View Full Version : How to say NO!

09-05-09, 18:14
Hello, Apologies if this has been asked before but i need help.

I work in a job which doesn't involve any contact with the public, i really like my job this way i work with a small group of people which is the way i prefer. I now have been asked if i will take on other work which would involve working in customer service face to face. I really don't want to do this, i worked in customer service before and i hated every minute of it. My anxiety shot through the roof and any customer who was rude or unpleasant would make me really upset for the rest of the day and i ended up leaving. I really like my job the way it is and i don't want to end up hating it.
So i eventually get to my point (sorry!) how can i stick to my guns and say no, without having to give excuses, i seem to be ok in coming out with the word but then there's usually that pause when they wait for a reason and i really don't want to say "i don't want to work with the public" as i've said this before and i was accused of being anti-social which i'm not i just like working in a small group it keeps my anxiety at bay. I feel really pressured into saying yes and my boss has told me she wants to see on Monday and i'm terrified that i'll back down and end up being miserable again.

Sorry for being long-winded, hope you can help

09-05-09, 18:49

I hope this may help but I also realise that every work environment is different, but here goes.

Why don't you just tell them the truth about the anxiety feelings that you sometimes experience and make them appreciate that certain situations can make things worse. Please remember that every single employer in the UK has a duty of care towards their employees (even if they don't show it). This is something that they cannot avoid and if a job role is seen as more stressful then they have to do everything possible to reduce this.

Also, bear in mind that there are many leaders of industry that command prominent positions in this country, are responsible for the management of hundreds of employees and can be wonderful decision makers. Yet they can suffer from anxiety. As I do.

I am in senior management, leading dozens of people and often having to speak to rooms full of workers and clients. At times though, I panic and either have to take time out or decline the moment. My employer supports me in this because I was honest about how I felt at times.

Tell them how you feel about this alteration.

09-05-09, 19:06
Thankyou, They've said it's up to me but i still feel as if everyone will think less of me and that i'm not pulling my weight. It really just means they'll have to advertise for someone else meaning more work for them.
Your advice is exactly what i want to say i'm just scared they'll not leave it at that.

09-05-09, 19:34
Hi Littlemissy. As a person you have the right to say no. you have the right to say no and walk away without feeling guilty. If you want to say anymore read your thread, you answered it yourself. I am happy with the way things are. Easy for me to say, but thats all. no more. your choice. I send you my support and a sneeky hug

09-05-09, 20:08
Could it be that your manager wants to bring you out of yourself?

Are they offering you further training so that you can deal with the public confidently and efficiently?

When working with the public especially rude/ignorant customers you must remember they are not angry at you as an individual. They want what they want from the company and you are front line.

In most cases they are more stressed than you and at times behave appallingly. My warped sense of humour means I generally find people having tantrums hysterically funny. I visualize them sitting on the loo:roflmao:

As has been said above speak to your manager.

12-05-09, 14:10
So i spoke to my manager, what came out of my mouth was pretty pathetic. I blurted out that 'i didn't want the job,if that's alright' ugh! not what i had planned in my head. Luckily she said straight away it was fine and that she just wanted to see if i was interested. Phew!
God knows what she thinks of me though, i just can't seem to construct a proper sentence together when i speak to anyone in authority, i just come across sounding really stupid!

Anyway it all came good in the end! Thanks everyone for your help and advice. xx