View Full Version : constant fatigue?

09-05-09, 20:56
I know fatigue can be a symptom of anxiety but i am getting worried because i am constantly fatigued and i get periods of real heavier fatigue but it never ever goes away.I have been like this for a month.I never have any energy at all no matter how much sleep i have but just had bloods done and ok.Does anyone else have constant fatigue or is it intermittent because i am really worrying because i havent felt any normal level of energy for ages.

09-05-09, 21:22
Hi zippy

I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome in March 2006. I get loads of times when I feel I just can't get out of bed because I have no energy. I make myself do it though because apparently that way you get better quicker:scared15: :scared15:

I know anxiety can cause exhaustion but there is a difference between the two. CFS covers a multitude of fatigue disorders, so don't get worried, it's not harmful. Not that I'm saying you have it (I'm not a dr or anthing:noangel: )

Is your tiredness more in your body than you just have to sleep? I sleep a lot anyway but it's my body that feels exhausted. Sometimes it's even hard to move from the chair:scared15: Is that what it's like?


09-05-09, 21:25
sometimes i struggle to get up and when i am up i just always feel exhausted like my mind wants to do stuff but my body is to shattered.

09-05-09, 21:32

When my anxiety was quite bad I had was extremly fatigued. I would have no energy at all. My mind would be saying get up but my body was not having it. The simplest things became extremley hard work because of the way I was feeling. It is being anxious that causes the fatigue so you need to try and relax. However when my doc first said this to him I nearly screamed at him 'how was I suppose to relax when so anxious'. My therapist been to see has give me loads of tips just like lying in a low lit room and listening to some earth type tunes, this is really calming and also lavendar in a bath works a treat for relaxing!!

Take care Tink xxx