View Full Version : home bloods?

09-05-09, 22:50
Has anyone been tempted or actually resorted to buying home blood tests?

09-05-09, 22:55
No cos the NHS do them for free and I trust the results more than some company that you pay to do them.

10-05-09, 09:59
Has anyone been tempted or actually resorted to buying home blood tests?

Why, are you a doctor?

10-05-09, 10:31
No i am not a doctor.I just wondered if your doc wouldnt do the test you ask for if anyones took it upon themselves to buy them online.

10-05-09, 11:17
No i am not a doctor.I just wondered if your doc wouldnt do the test you ask for if anyones took it upon themselves to buy them online.

But what would be the point of that? Would the lay person understand the results?

Some of these machines can be a bit iffy.

10-05-09, 11:38
id no way do this its bad enough going to drs for a blood test id not even cinsider it it needs to be done by a proffesional

10-05-09, 11:40
There are some home tests that are accurate like the test for coeliac disease - my cousin was getting more and more aneamic and then low in B12 and her Dr kept just saying take the iron tablets - she had no other symptoms. I had a friend who has same thing but his Dr thought coeliac disease and he was right so told her - her Dr rubbished her so I told her about a home blood test for coeliac which she did and it ws positive - it is 99% accurate and exactly same test a Dr does but only need pinprick of blood. Back to her GP with test result and straight off to gastro who confirmed by biopsy that she did have coeliac disease - so this test is accurate and easy to do at home.