View Full Version : A NEW ME

24-08-05, 11:48
Does anyone ever get the feeling if they can change the way they look they may feel different .......like another person ?
Today i woke and decided to dye my hair RED (i have medium brown hair) anyway ive done it and OMG its sooooooo RED.
Then i attemped the local shops and felt really really panicky - glad to be back home.

DONT LAUGH BUT = the hair dye i choose was called "FEARLESS" RANGE,
very Berry.


24-08-05, 11:51
Mirry hun that gave me a damn good chuckle.

Love Piglet:):D[8D][8D][8D]:D:D:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-08-05, 12:02
Sorry Mirry

I chuckled to, but worth a try, well done [8D][8D]


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

24-08-05, 12:47
Hi Mirry,
Lol, if only eh !!
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

24-08-05, 12:53
Good for you Mirry

It can help if you are someone who thinks people are watching you .. now you know that if they are, its for a reason you chose and nothing else.

Many people take on a new persona when in uniform, a timid girl may put on her nurses uniform and rule the ward to clockwork, a scared judge puts on the wig and booms out across the court........ its all to do with believing in the role you're portraying and confidence in what you're doing in that job.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-08-05, 17:11
Hey Miry,

Well done for the new hair colour. Wouldn't it be good if you could put it on and it made you FEARLESS hey! Put alot of therapists out of a job though! LOL

Take Care,


24-08-05, 17:16
lol Mirry - I had the same thought about 6 months ago. I am VERY dark brunette and decided I wanted light red hair. REALLY REALLY BAD CHOICE !!! I ended up looking like raggedy ann for 3 months - couldn't go anywhere without every eye being trained on me(felt like).
So this time I chose a dark shade of red. Hopefully I won't look bad with this one (although Halloween is coming up soon so I could at least use that for an excuse)
your friend,

24-08-05, 18:04
GOOD NEWS, my hubby came home from work and LIKES my hair!
I kept saying to him "I dont look like kat slater off eastenders do I " lol.

Meg you were right about people in uniform......I have 2 friends who wear uniform and say they feel respected wearing them (ones a police woman and the others a nurse)
"Suppose i could ask my work for an apron to wear " lol



24-08-05, 18:24
heehee Mirry good for you!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

24-08-05, 20:34
Hi Mirry
Lol you did make me giggle [^]
I bet you look great, and if you feel people looking at you they are probably thinking the same, or wishing they could get away with having great coloured hair like you

my world is only as small as my courage

25-08-05, 05:20
I am cracking up!! That is sooo GREAT!! LOL!! It reminds me of Kate Winslet in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". Did you see it? (It's not one of those movies to watch when you are in an anxious mood, though.. too trippy)
If I thought I could carry a haircolor like Kate Winslet could, I'd try all kinds of exotic shades.. LOL!!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)