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View Full Version : Tooth Abcess

10-05-09, 08:17
I have a tooth infection and i'm terrified that i'm going to get something more serious, blood poisoning and some other illness i read about on google (a while ago, stupid of me to google and see the list of possible complications). I have been to the dentist and i'm currently taking the antbiotics to clear it up before the trip to the dental hospital to get it removed.

I spent most of last night lying in bed terrified that something is going to happen to me!

I really feel like i'm going back to square one when i thought i was starting to get over my Health Anxiety and its starting to make me feel depressed and unhappy (have been on anti d's about 2 years ago). I was even crying on my way to work this morning, everything is getting to me big style again, still worrying about swine flu aswell!

10-05-09, 09:33
What antibiotics are you on?

10-05-09, 09:57
I have a tooth infection and i'm terrified that i'm going to get something more serious, blood poisoning and some other illness i read about on google (a while ago, stupid of me to google and see the list of possible complications). I have been to the dentist and i'm currently taking the antbiotics to clear it up before the trip to the dental hospital to get it removed.

I spent most of last night lying in bed terrified that something is going to happen to me!

I really feel like i'm going back to square one when i thought i was starting to get over my Health Anxiety and its starting to make me feel depressed and unhappy (have been on anti d's about 2 years ago). I was even crying on my way to work this morning, everything is getting to me big style again, still worrying about swine flu aswell!

I have just got over a large abscess (my daughter said it looked like I had grown a extra head) don't worry about it.

10-05-09, 10:12
What antibiotics are you on?
I'm on Penecillian (sp?) only taking them for 3 days so far.

10-05-09, 13:33
I'm on Penecillian (sp?) only taking them for 3 days so far.

And are they working?

I was on Amoxycillin and Metronidazole.

10-05-09, 14:00
And are they working?

I was on Amoxycillin and Metronidazole.

swelling has gone down abit will see how they go only onto 4th day now.

13-05-09, 08:29
Been to doctors as the penecillian didn't seem to be working, now got Metronidazole. See what happens. Going to dental hospitals in just under 3 weeks now

13-05-09, 08:38
Been to doctors as the penecillian didn't seem to be working, now got Metronidazole. See what happens. Going to dental hospitals in just under 3 weeks now

They should have given you Metronidazole in the beginning. I went to my surgery and saw a new doctor he gave me Amoxycilline but the next morning it was worse.

I always have Metronidazole on standby for bouts of diverticulitis. I decided to take them as well but just as confirmation I phoned doctors on call the nurse told me I would have to see the doctor which I did and he totally agreed with me regarding the Metronidazole.

That is why I asked you the other day what medication you were on. I am sure you will be OK now.

13-05-09, 09:04
only taking 2 tablets so far, so not expecting any drematic improvements from that

13-05-09, 16:07
I have now sent myself into major panic - i have googled tooth abcess and it has come back with blood poisioning and other illness that can come from an abcess. I know i have antibiotics and had my doctor look at it yesterday, but i'm convinced its getting worse and the infection spreading.

I could cry with the way i have got myself in a panic

13-05-09, 16:32
I have now sent myself into major panic - i have googled tooth abcess and it has come back with blood poisioning and other illness that can come from an abcess. I know i have antibiotics and had my doctor look at it yesterday, but i'm convinced its getting worse and the infection spreading.

I could cry with the way i have got myself in a panic

Stop it, you have a dental abscess and nothing more. I know how painful they can be and perhaps if you had had the Metronidazole in the start it would have been slightly better. Over the years I have had a few dental abscesses and although they have been extremely painful that is all.

13-05-09, 16:52
Its just i have read (i know this is stupid and i don't know why i do it) on that if bacteria from the abcess gets into your blood stream it causes serious illness

13-05-09, 16:54
I know i'm being stupid just getting myself into stupid panic over it

13-05-09, 16:59
If you get an infection in your blood...or an infection at all..you will know it. Most infections get you having a fever and other things. Please don't worry about it...abscess probably hurts like hell but I think you are fine especially if the doctor looked at it yesterday right?

13-05-09, 17:42
Yeah doctor looked at it and wasn't concerned.

I just can't stop thinking that its more than it is. Is it bad if an abcess bursts?

13-05-09, 17:44
Its just i have read (i know this is stupid and i don't know why i do it) on that if bacteria from the abscess gets into your blood stream it causes serious illness

But it is not going to, so stop worrying about it and keep taking the antibiotics.

13-05-09, 17:45
Yeah doctor looked at it and wasn't concerned.

I just can't stop thinking that its more than it is. Is it bad if an abcess bursts?

Do you have a gum boil?

13-05-09, 17:50
think thats what it would be classed as?

13-05-09, 17:57
think thats what it would be classed as?
Can you see a whitish top (pus) to it?

13-05-09, 18:06
yes thats it

13-05-09, 18:12
yes thats it

You can (if you want and I have done it myself) either burst it with a very clean finger or a cotton bud. This will allow the pus to come out.

I did it myself but then it didn't bother me and I don't suffer from HA.

13-05-09, 18:18
Thanks Trixie!

Will see how it goes with the antibiotics and keep myself away from googling the symptoms.

13-05-09, 18:30
Thanks Trixie!

Will see how it goes with the antibiotics and keep myself away from googling the symptoms.

You will be fine. Are you taking both lots of antibiotics?

13-05-09, 18:32
No not taking the penecillian anymore

13-05-09, 18:59
No not taking the penecillian anymore

I was on both. Did your GP tell you to stop taking the penicillin?

13-05-09, 19:31
The course had finished and they jsut gave me the other ones

15-05-09, 12:35
All seems to be getting better, less painful and swelling going down. Starting to stop stressing myslef out about it

17-05-09, 21:28
Having a bad day!

Worrying more and more about my stupid bloody tooth infection/gum boil/abcess, whatever it is. Constent worry that i'm going to end up with something more serious.

God, i want to cry!

17-05-09, 21:38

Metronidazole will do the trick. It clears up most bugs associated with mouth abscesses. Try not to worry, it can take the whole course before you see any improvement. Remember you cant take any alcohol at all with these antibiotics as it not only negates the effect but makes you very very sick.
Hope you are soon on the mend.

Sid xx

17-05-09, 21:52
All seems to be getting better, less painful and swelling going down. Starting to stop stressing myslef out about it

I thought you were feeling better?

It is not going to turn into anything else so stop worrying.

18-05-09, 10:27
I'm feeling better, i felt bad ysterday cos i google'd it and started to read about other illness's that can be caused by it.

Have calmed down today

19-05-09, 20:51
Why am i a complete fool! I constantley worrying about this bloody tooth. Gum has gone right down and is not as swollen as it was and antibiotics have finished. I go to dental hospital 2 weeks today for consultation appiointment. I'm considering going to there emergency clinic this week to see if they can take it out.

My latest anxiety/panic attacks have come from what i read on google (the same as the last time my anxiety was bad). It casuing me to start having panic attacks again and become depressed. I 'm sick of being like this, i have had enough of being like this

19-05-09, 21:40
Greg, I've been through every imaginable thing with my teeth and abscesses. You caught it in time, it will NOT go systemic or all the things you are reading about. You may not need to have it taken out, maybe they can save it with a root canal, especially if it's a tooth that shows.

Googling is often detrimental but if it showed you that tooth infections can travel, it's good that you read that and caught it before it had a chance to go further. We always put down googling but there is also "practical" googling that's just common sense. Be glad you did and just let the dentists take it from here, you'll be fine!

25-05-09, 12:05
Tooth Abscess Treatment


I have a tooth infection and i'm terrified that i'm going to get something more serious, blood poisoning and some other illness i read about on google (a while ago, stupid of me to google and see the list of possible complications). I have been to the dentist and i'm currently taking the antbiotics to clear it up before the trip to the dental hospital to get it removed.

I spent most of last night lying in bed terrified that something is going to happen to me!

I really feel like i'm going back to square one when i thought i was starting to get over my Health Anxiety and its starting to make me feel depressed and unhappy (have been on anti d's about 2 years ago). I was even crying on my way to work this morning, everything is getting to me big style again, still worrying about swine flu aswell!