View Full Version : TMI Ladies please

10-05-09, 10:39
Hi all, grrr im worrying again. I posted here about a month ago about yellow discharge i have been having. Im sure i have had it for a few years & i have been sti checked & had swabs done and i have no infection. I always have a yellowish discharge not bright yellow just yellow tinged sorry TMI looks like snot, some days its heavier than others. I am just so worried its cervical cancer, my doc wont send me for a smear as i am 21 but i will be paying for one soon, now to add to all this worry i have started spotting in the past 3 days, 9 days ago i started taking the pilll & i have read this can causes spotting but my head has told me its cervical cancer, Why isnt my discharge the 'normal' white that the internet keeps banging on about im so fed up of worrying about it :(

10-05-09, 11:48
Well not to get gross but mine is yellow tinged and sometimes white.
Really normal there, I used to get it quite heavy at one stage, I had to use a liner.

it's really heavy now but that's cos im pregnant.

and spotting is sooo normal for being on pill, plus your age and you just had a little one, so i would guess it will take time for your hormones to settle down.

No way at your age will you have cervical cancer and the good news is nurses and gynos have seen your downstairs dept this year i'm sure. and they would have noticed a change in your cervix.

x x x x x nothing to worry about at all.

10-05-09, 11:50
hi joyce, yeah mine went nuts in pregnancy lol doc said yellow tinged in pregnancy is perfectly normal :) I hope it is out side of it to :blush: xx

10-05-09, 11:52
hi joyce, yeah mine went nuts in pregnancy lol doc said yellow tinged in pregnancy is perfectly normal :) I hope it is out side of it to :blush: xx

Yep it is, and snot is a good description :blush:

Ah the joys of being a woman

10-05-09, 12:37
Hi there. I don't think yellow is anything to worry about. Mine can be lots of different shades and can change at different times of the month. When you ovulate the discharge can be much more prolific and very elasticky. Like you have a cold down there! Still normal. Spotting when on the pill is sooo normal, I can assure you, I have had many years of it. Try not to worry. x

10-05-09, 19:14
Hey tash, I just went through the exact same panic after finding yellow tinged discharge that didn't seem familiar, and did a lot of reading up on it (on the internet, so I did find a lot there although it looks like you didn't, poor gal!). Your cervix produced different textures of discharge all through your cycle, and everything I read about it said it should be white, clearish white, or yellow tinged, and pretty thick. I just started on the pill too, and had an increase of the yellow discharge. One way the pill protects you is by thickening your cervical mucous so sperm can't get in. So it makes a lot of sense that you would have more of it. Also, it is basically tricking your body into believing its preggo, and I have read that thick yellow discharge is a sign of that too. I started spotting right around the same time you did when I started taking the pill, then had a normal period at the right time.
Anyway, that is the way I talked myself down from my panic abou the same thing. I hope it helps.

10-05-09, 19:36
thank you all! it really helps! as always xxx

11-05-09, 11:01
It tends to vary depending on the time of the month. It can be anything from clear, to white, to yellowy... you only have to worry if it itches, smells foul or is anything weird like green. You probably just havent noticed it before. Go back to your doctor if you are concerned but it sounds normal to me x

11-05-09, 11:14
To be honest its something that i have had before having my son so at least over a 14 months but i think longer. Could it just be normal for me?
