View Full Version : felt like no heartbeat

24-08-05, 13:19
hi everyone,
i feel a bit daft asking this but has anyone ever woke in the night and put your hand on your chest and couldnt feel any kind of beating atall it really freaked me out i thought i was dead or someut i realised obviously im not but it still freaked me out all the same ive been worried ever since can anyone relate

luv sue xx :(

24-08-05, 13:30
Hi Sue

You have just described something that i used to suffer with a lot. I would be going off to sleep and then i would suddenly wake up and be convinced that my heart had stopped beating. I would then struggle to the bathroom and still not be able to feel my heart beating. I used to sit on the edge of the bath telling myself that my heart MUST be beating because i was alive and i had got out of bed. If my heart wasn't beating then obviously i would be [xx(]

I do understand how you feel...it is extremely scary but it is our old friend anxiety. At the time i was getting this i was working in bereavement and suffering terrible PA.

Rest assured that other people suffer this too...you are not alone.

Take care, lots love Maddie ;)

24-08-05, 13:41
Yes I do!!

I think I feel like that sometimes cos usually I'm so aware of my heart beating in all its peculiar ways, that when its quiet for a while I can't hear it at all, so then I worry about that too!!!!!

piglet apologies to her heart for being so judgemental

Love Piglet

24-08-05, 17:09
hi Sue,

I have had this as well. It's just a result of us being so paranoid about it in the first place. Once again, it's just the anxiety playing tricks on us..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

24-08-05, 17:22
hi Sue -
with all the doctor shows here in the US I thought that every time I would feel that way I could put my fingers to my neck and check my pulse. didn't know what the rate should be but knew at least that I was still alive. sounds silly I know but it helped reassure me.
your friend,

12-02-19, 14:04
this is what’s freaking me out! I normally can even hear it with my ear to the bed. nothing! silence. anyone know why this happens rather than pounding?