View Full Version : I think I have laringitis (sp)

10-05-09, 18:44
I started with raised glands, lumpy throat feeling, slight ear pain, head pain and congestion on friday night. Yesterday I felt very tired and sickly then today I felt alot better but my voice has really gone, its not sore when I swallow its like further down my windpipe feels abit sore when I try to talk or yawn. Talking is an effort, it really feels tight and horrible. Is this laringitis?

A few of my work colleagues had sore throats and fever last week but none of them lost their voice and some of them even went to work where as I feel so rubbish I have been sent home from work. I work in a hospital so best stay away.

Does anyone know how long this is likely to last? I have 3 kids, its so difficult to try and rest my voice.

10-05-09, 18:47
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, there seems to be alot of this type of illness about, I had one of the family here today and they could hardly talk.

Hope you feel better soon.


10-05-09, 18:52
Thank you Carol,

It really is horrible. I am a student nurse so exposed to alsorts ;-)

10-05-09, 22:19
Could well be laryngitis.... normally you get cold symptoms - i.e. achey and sore throat and head etc. Then your voice goes - it's not normally painful to talk or anything, it just disappears.... I had it last Christmas - very annoying - but it goes after 3/4 days..... it's viral so there's not much you can do unfortunately - the doctor will just say don't talk - which is IMPOSSIBLE with 3 children! Poor you..... try honey and lemon in hot water - that helped for me...

11-05-09, 08:12
thx bex but did u feel weak and generally yuk when u had it? First day i had cold type symptoms, now i dont hurt i just feel tired and weak. My voice is still very hoarse.

11-05-09, 08:35
I've had laryngitis about 10 times.

For me the symptoms are....

** Not a sore throat, more like an irritating scratchy feeling that keeps making me need to drink to get rid of it.

** Then after 2 days or so, the voice goes.

** I've never felt *poorly* with it.

To me, it sounds like you have a cold.


11-05-09, 09:07
It started like a raw throat not sore and generly felt yuk, not got cold symptoms at all of a fever. Just a very hoarse lumpy throat and feel exhausted:(

11-05-09, 09:25
Hi Aimee

I had this the other week, my voice kept going hoarse although my voice never went completely. My throat wasn't sore but felt rough on one side...a bit hard to discribe:blush: I didn't feel ill, but i didn't feel quite right. It lasted a couple of weeks tho:mad:

I hope yours clears up very soon:)

Trish. x

11-05-09, 10:25
Hi Aimee

I had this too the other week. It was horrible but it didnt last too long but did feel rubbish for about a week. Make sure you rest as much as you can dear andit will help you fight it. You need to take iron dont you, so i would think you need to rest a bit more than some people when you are ill and that is probably why you feel more poorly than you think your work mates did.

Be nice to yourself this week!!


11-05-09, 10:41
Thanks for your replies.

Yes i do take iron, im not anaemic but ferritin running a bit low.

I just feel so tired and weak with it:( i can't see me bein well enough for work on wednesday, really hope i perk up by then.

My voice is a tad clearer today but still hoarse and low down in throat is tender.

Noone else in work has laryngitis, just fever n sore throat but were on within a day or so.