View Full Version : Panic attacks daliy

anx mum
10-05-09, 19:13
So tired of havin these panic attacks they r happening daliy and takin over my life. Had them in sept they went in feb now they have come bk this april. Really hoping hypnotherapy can help me as i have suffered on and off since 17. I have tried everything breathing blowing in paper bag, relaxion cds meds. Dont know what the answer is all i know is im so fed up:weep:

10-05-09, 20:18
So sorry you're still suffering so much Bev. I'm afraid I can't offer you much advice, just sympathy. I really hope the hypnotherapy helps you. Do let us know as I had considered it myself but didn't know if it was worth it or not?
I wonder has anyone else tried it and found it helps?

anx mum
10-05-09, 20:21
Thanx for your reply how u doin lately?

10-05-09, 20:38
Well, I have had a few better days. Not great, but better! I have woken up in the morning without too much anxiety (a big thing for me!). Today I felt okay when I got up but decided to go to church and then a
2 mile walk with my sister. As soon as I had said I would do it I got anxious and felt awful the whole time I was out!!! However, I did it and I know I just have to try to keep doing things I havn't done for ages and ignore the horrible feelings. Quite hard to do but I am determined to remain positive and get through this anxiety/panic.
Thank you for asking.:hugs:

anx mum
10-05-09, 20:46
Like ur butterfly

10-05-09, 21:06
I just have to try to keep doing things I havn't done for ages and ignore the horrible feelings. Quite hard to do but I am determined to remain positive and get through this anxiety/panic.
Thank you for asking.:hugs:

Yes, that's the only thing which seems to work (in my experience, anyway) Not easy to do though, is it? but by chipping away at things which cause us anxiety, we can eventually beat it!

I'm about 98% there, but there a still a couple of things I admit I avoid.....

11-05-09, 08:35
I'm glad to hear that you are 98% better. It's good to know that I have the right approach. No, it's definately not easy. Especially when you are having a particularly bad day.

11-05-09, 21:25
biggest tip i can give is breathing out. I know it sounds silly but when people panic they tend to take a big breath in and hold. THis leads to messing up your oxygen/carbon dioxide levels which in turn exaserbates the panic. I had seen so many doctors and specialist and it wasnt until this year i was told about this.

When you feel a panic starting and you take and hold your breath, make sure you gave a big exhale. A lot of panic attack prevention methods I find (brown paper bag breathing for example) I dont like as i feel they draw more attention to you which you are self conscious about anyway. A big breath out/sigh is something everyone does all the time and will not come across strange. After this, count to 4 for each inhale and exhale.

Obvioulsy, this can be done with the many other methods such as disctraction but after all these years I was gobsmacked something so straightforward could make a difference

11-05-09, 21:34
Dear Anx mum, I'm new to this site so still a little uncertain of how and when to respond to threads. However, I not new to panic attacks. I had my first one aged 19 (now 47), this happened after I lost my older brother in an accident. I didn't know it was a panic attack and I went on to have more and a very anxious period in my life. I didn't let them or my anxiety stop me from living my life, (I didn't have the time as I was busy being young). Two years ago, the panic returned with a vengence, I commute two hours to to work and sometimes I paid for my train ticket, sat down on the train and immediately got off, went home and cried. I struggled to doing any of my normal routine, shopping, eating out, going to the gym. I took running so I could be on my own and I was envious of all those around me that were getting on with their lives and doing normal everyday things.

I just want to say, there's light at the end of the tunnel. I look back over my experience and know I appreciate my life in so many different ways and I'm a much better and rounded person. Be kind to yourself, Claire Weekes advocates, not fighting but accepting, it works but it took me a while to really understand. She also says' when there is no longer fear of panic, it gradually subsides and time becomes the healer.' I found this to be true.

best wishes,

12-05-09, 20:42
hi guys

i just wanted to wade in on this discussion, i have suffered from panic attacks for the last 6 years (had a few prior but nothing to write home about) last year i had a "cluster" of them which was actually about 5 in a 3-4 month period. Over the last few weeks they have got really bad with me having 7 in the last 9 working days. I have just started diazepan 2mg yesterday. i am hearing people saying to stear clear of them and i am curious as to why. I only have panic attacks at my work so am likely only to need 1 a day prior to going to work. I also for anx mum i have just had my first session with a CBT professional, didn't get a lot done today, really just managed to fill in all the paperwork, but will be attending weekly if anyone wants to know how helpful these sessions are i am more than happy to share.

Not sure if i have sent this right but would love to chat as i don't know anyone else who takes these PA anywhere like mine. xx