View Full Version : i dont know how i feel.

10-05-09, 22:30
help please people :)

somedays i think i am pretty okay but others i am just not at all, like today.
i still cant accept the fact that it is anxiety though.

how does anxiety feel for you all the time?

and how does it changes once you think your having a panic attack etc.


Stefan P
11-05-09, 11:48
The intensity of anxiety kind of comes and goes. We just had a weekend, and today back at work, and the difference in how I feel is measurable. Right now I am lightheaded, a little dizzy, and my body is tensed up making me ache around the shoulder and neck (and chest). Over the weekend I had none of those symptoms at all, because I wasn't at work I was at home, and therefore the anxiety was completely controllable.

Something that can help when you are feeling bad is pretty simple - do something! Sounds silly, but just doing something can help you out a lot. I usually go do gardening, which I did a lot of over the weekend. If I am feeling bad at work, I'll come on here and read posts for a little bit - just doing something different and comfortable can help relieve the anxiety a little bit.