View Full Version : Hello Everyone

Little Em
11-05-09, 04:09
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this site, so just a quick hello from me?!

I joined because I have been a sufferer of anxiety and/or panic attacks since an early age of 5. I haven't been able to pin point an exact reason for this but have come to accept that this is the way of life for me now.

My panic disorder got considerably worse in my late teens and have now been taking peroxatine/seroxat/paxil for 10 years. I have tried to come off the drug because of the side effects, however the withdrawal was too much for my body to handle and have had approx 2 break downs each time I've tried to stop taking them, even though I was doing this with help from GP, having CBT and weening process taking just over a year!!!

I wonder if you are born with this?, maybe there is some neurological reason?

Any thoughts?


11-05-09, 07:03
hello Em

welcome to the site

everything is possible, and there are many different reasons why we're here, all roads lead to rome i can't have a specific reply for your question coz am not an expert

just wanted to say hi =)

11-05-09, 14:40
Hi Em,

Welcome to NMP. You will find that many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I too have had this since early childhood and my parents note that I was scared and worried about everything from the age of 3 on. None of my other siblings have it but my Dad's mother did. I think perhaps in some cases it can be hereditary. Again welcome and I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


11-05-09, 14:54
Hello Em , Welcome to NMP, lots of help advice and understanding here, glad you found the site , take care:welcome: Duskess x

11-05-09, 16:35
Hi Em

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care
