View Full Version : I found a lump under my arm...

11-05-09, 08:42
Last night before I went to bed I went to scratch a little bit under my arm and found that it was tender. Throughout today it has stayed tender, and now tonight when I touch it I feel a lump. I have allergies and they were slightly acting up today but I took medicine, and I'm completely unsure if this could possibly be related to that, but it's the only thing I can think of that was out of the ordinary. My cousin's girlfriend was over at our house last night and I think she was sick, and this morning when I woke up my throat was a little bit sore, would it possibly be an inflamed lymph node? I thought for colds your throat nodes inflamed, so I am entirely not sure... I don't have a cat so I know it's not cat scratch fever, and it is not really "painful" to touch, just very tender and sore when I push on it. What should I do? I have heard cancer under the arm is rarely painful so I am thinking hopefully it's not that, I just haven't a clue as to what it could be and I'm starting to panic again after a couple of days of being really good about not panicking... oh gosh. :unsure:

11-05-09, 10:55
Ok silly question, but have you within the last day or so shaved under your arms? If so, it is likely to be a small infected hair follicle. I get them all the time and they pass within a day or two... if you leave the hairs to grow so they are slightly spiky you can usually see which hair its coming from by either a slight pink patch or by brushing over the hairs and waiting for a prickling sensation. if this is the case, they usually go down on their own. try not to squeeze it as it will make the lump swell a little and get sore. I should imagine if youve shaved recently, this is the most likely cause and nothing sinister x

11-05-09, 11:46
I shaved the other day and then again today, oddly enough before the lump came about. The lump definitely feels internal though, and not external... and it feels so big almost like it couldn't possibly be a hair follicle! I've never had this before, I was so terrified... I am still a little worried and hope to death it goes away soon, after all, the sooner the better! Thank you so much, I could hug you right now, lol

11-05-09, 12:05
Sounds like a swollen gland, try not to worry keep an eye on it for the next week.

11-05-09, 12:37
Indeed this sounds like a swollen gland, They can pop up with slight skin irritation after shaving & the like. And if it is tender it is most likely somekind of an infection.
Although I know that it is hard not to worry (I got the same thing with the Glands on my jawline) You should try not to worry about it to much, try to get your mind off it by performing some hobbies this usually works for me :)

Kind regards,


11-05-09, 13:28
I had a lump under my armpit a few years ago that was an enlarged lymph node and caused by a wasp stinging my finger. It took about 6wks for it go down and I was quite worried at the time as I didn't realise getting stung could cause something like that.

11-05-09, 13:46
hiya phoenixlashes, the same thing happend to me! 4years ago.and i thought it was internal too! but it was a blocked follicle! but it was that big and painful, the doc gave me antibiotics! because of how bad it was! and if it hadnt of gone down, they were going to surgically remove it! so i wouldnt worry to much about it! but if you are really worried, go to your doc! im sure its nothing! hope it gets better soon! x

11-05-09, 15:53
Me too - had one under my arm for a while - infected hair follicle or something, they weren't sure. But sure enough it cleared up after about 4 weeks.... If it's a bit sore to the touch that's a good sign, means it's reacting to a minor infection.... try not to panic.