View Full Version : How do mums cope here when feeling so sick ?

11-05-09, 09:49
How do all mums cope here with young children, when feeling so sick?

I'm just really struggling at the moment. With chores, looking after the children and trying to get back into a routine with their school. Their school is 10min drive away and they have clubs every night all over the place. I have no time to be this ill.
Everything is difficult, everything I try and do. My mind doesn't seem to work properly, even with the most simple of things.

I constantly feel physically sick too (I don't know why)? and feel so low. My dad can't be here all the time, as he is a carer for both his elderly mum and disabled sister and lives 24miles away from me.

I can't help but think i'm such a failure, I guess all us mums do, when we feel that we're not able to cope with our family lives.

It's so difficult to look after children, when we're not able to fully look after ourselves properly, isn't it?

My partner works full time and very long hours, I pretty much feel like I'm on my own.

No tablets/medication can work for this surely they're not that magical.

All I want to do is hide away. I just feel out of control with my life, but am trying my very best to get back into control and to sort myself out, but always seem to be taking too many steps back, rather than moving forward. I just want to see the light again.

11-05-09, 10:46
Please help me, I'm so scared to tell Pyschiatrists everything, but I can't cope. I can't cope with life/nothing. I'm scared of going back to hospital, but I don't know what else to do.

I need help, but I don't know what will make me better. I'm a mess, I hate myself so much, I'm just so useless.

11-05-09, 10:56
hi katie...
i so know what you are sayin, and it is hard...
what age are your children... mine are older now but i suffered really bad when they were little, sometimes all i could do was get them to school...i often didnt go to preformances or teacher evening and yes i felt very guilty and a bad mum but i have learnt i am not a bad mum...i just coped the best way i could.
i sometimes didnt take them to all their clubs too... you just have to do the best you can and praise yourself when you have done something and store it as a posative in your mind.

i was worried my kids would be taken from me but they werent...they have grown into very caring loveing adults and im so proud of them...
it is difficult to put into words what i want to say to you...and i hope im making sense.
you are NOT a faliure...and yes it is difficult (i am a single mum so understand what you are saying about being on your own with husband working long hours).
you will get through this katie honest
i think if you can tell the pyschiatrist... but it took me along time to admit i needed help and its mainly this site that has got me through...

11-05-09, 12:15
Hi Katie,

I totally empathise with what you are saying, my main anx symptom is feeling sick and I find it hard at times to do everything with my 4 year old daughter. I have been feeling alot worse recently as I started taking Citalopram and I seem to have severe nausea as a side effect.

I do find the nausea goes away when I am less stressed, so I know it is anxiety related. I have had to live back with my parents since my marriage ended three years ago, and my Mum supports me alot so that is great, although she is working again now so I make sure I push myself to do what i need to do.

My daughter starts school in September which I find it quite stressful to think about, I just hope that I am feeling better by then. All I can say is be kind to yourself and don't hate yourself, you're doing the very best you can in a difficult situation. As impossible as it seems right now, I really do believe that we will recover again, we just have to hold onto that hope as our inspiration.

Take care.


11-05-09, 13:54
hiya kate, one peice of advice.., please, please dont be too scared to get help! like you i was too scared, i was thinking that id get my son took off me if they thought i was depressed etc.., but ive finally got help, and to be honest its the best thing i ve done! and i was told no way would they take kids away from their moms, unless they are threat to them in a physically harmful way! i know how you feel when youve got children and your body is mentally and physically low! and i find i take a lot of it out on my son! and it not his fault! bless him! but im feeling more positive now ive got help! please get help babe, you feel better for it! and dont be scared! let me know how you get on! all my love xx