View Full Version : Hello, I'm new here and need some help.

24-08-05, 19:08
Hello everyone, My names Heather, i'm 16 and I really need some help, Ive suffered from severe panic attacks, depression, OCD and many phobias since I was little and theres been alot of people involved with helping me in my life. I thought I was getting better until recently I have started taking attacks all through-out the day and not being able to shut my head up, I get one thought and then bam I start running it over and over. Its really upsetting and I feel so low, I went to the doctors today, but they wouldnt give me any medication. I cant calm down and when I do I think to myself "I should be panicking", I cant sleep and when I do I dont want to wake up because I cant handle the attacks, I need to do someting about this. I have started meditation but it takes time. If anyone has any information or helpfull ideas then i'd greatly appriciate it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Heather XoXoXoX

24-08-05, 20:28
Hi Heather
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time, I hope you feel beter soon honey!
Did your dr have any other suggestions for you if they are not willing to give you meds?If not try to get to see someone else for a second opinion.
I have had panic problems for some years now, and the best way i have found ( short term ) that make me feel more relaxed is to do relaxation exercises. Laydown somewhere comfy, and start at your face, screw your face up and tense all the muscles for a count of three, then release, visualising all the tension in your body dissapearing. Work your way down the body, chest, arms, hands, tummy, bum,legs,feet etc. If you can practice this it will be really usefull when you are getting panicky to quickly release all the tension in your body.

Do you have any idea why you are getting panicky again? Has there been anything that has upset you that you can identify.
Take care hun

my world is only as small as my courage

24-08-05, 20:55
Hey Heather, Im so so sorry oy feel this way..I know how hard it is and so FRUSTURATING! Im 16 also, and suffer from severe panic/ anxiety and depression. I was recently diagnosed as having "agoraphobia". I dont know if you know what it is, but basically its the fear of having a panic attack and being somewhere where help is not available to you. So its pretty much afraid of being afraid! and i know how hard it is to explain it to people becuase it makes so sense unless you know what its like. Im even supposed to be starting my junior year of highschool and my problem has prevented me from it. [V] Can I ask what medicine you're on? I just started taking zoloft a few days ago.

The suggestion about relaxing all your muscles is a good one! it helps me. And even if you're somewhere that you cant lay down or something, just do like, "a muscle check" lol to make sure you're not tensing up your muscles. People do it without noticing, really easily. Well sorry this was so long, but really, feel free to send me a pm (private message). I would be more than happy to talk, [^] so i hope to talk to you soon! take care, doll!


24-08-05, 22:34
I know obviously my situation is different to yours, but I do understand how crippling it can be to worry about things. I worry that I will get embarrassed when out in public and it does stop you from doing things.

I hope that knowing that your not the only one out there helps..it has for me.

try to relax and if you can distract yourself with something if you think you are starting to worry. Try to spend time with people who understand you...don't spend too much time alone as you end up dwelling on thoughts. I find watching a film I like helps or singing aloud to some music..anything to try and make yourself think of something else.

Hope you feel better soon, JB

24-08-05, 23:15
hi and welcome to the forum, im 21 and suffer from panic attacks and depression, i also have slight agrophobia but im able to go out but always have someone with me. i was on beta blockers for my panic attacks and im now on prozac for my depression. i hope you get the help you need and there alot of wonderful people here who will always be ready to listen and advise. goodluck.xxxxx.


25-08-05, 16:12
Hi, i am also 16 and many of the feelings you described i also felt. I am much better now and have been using a bach rescue remedy called rock rose, i have also been trying aconite from Boots pharmacy. Maybe you could try this.
Hope you feel better soon.

Emma x x

Emma x x