View Full Version : Really dont understand this?

anx mum
11-05-09, 11:28
U would think by now since 17 on and off havin anxiety and panic symptoms id b able 2 cope and no the signs. Im so fed up why does this keep coming bk:weep: i have a wonderful partner 2 sons and its taking over my life. Go 2 the docs sobbing telling her all the physical symptoms im getting she just says anxiety really dont believe this is all in my head as i experience physical symptoms bein a worrier i always asume the worse. If anyone has ever experienced the feeling of havin no air daliy u will no how scared i feel wish there was a magic wand somewhere 2 make this go away.

11-05-09, 11:37
im here for you babes.

11-05-09, 12:36
Hi Bev
I wish I could magic it all away for you and for everyone else too...
Does your medication not work at all in helping you? Have you had the hynotherapy yet?
I have upped my dose of citalopram and feeling like death!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stop crying - I feel terrible - anxious, cant breathe...I have been sat here bawling my eyes out feeling that I cant keep on like this. I know how you feel - its so scary isnt it with the breathing issue but it wont harm us - at least there is that
Do you have any counselling?

11-05-09, 12:39
I truly wish I could cure this because I have had it on and off. The longest it seemed to last was a year but it does come on and off. The breathing one is difficult to attack but not impossible. And this is where logic comes in

You will not stop breathing
I have ran around like a headless chicken in my house thinking I cant breathe but once you stop you realise your still breathing. Its the worst feeling in the world and I truly feel for you.


Paper bag.to breathe into...remove all crumbs from bag, I did not and nearly choked
Practise breathing from stomache area...If this happens less when your family are around then practise then.
Splash cold water on complete strangers....wont help the breathing but will take your mind off it as they chase you (only joking) but do splash your face with cold water

If you smoke...cut down or try to stop
Exercise does help

Wish you all the best

11-05-09, 13:27
Hi Anx.

all i can say is i had the most massive panic attack on saturday night, and i am now going to refuse to live this miserable existence anymore. i am going to fight and i dont mean fight the symptoms, i mean accept a la Claire weeks.
if you can go to the mp3 weekes downloads on this sight, she is inspirational and im reading the books, i have got over this before and i will do it again. I have to make time to do my relaxation cd that i got from no panic(there helpliners are lifesavers)

but we have to make the move honey, decide were gonna move forward and try and gather the strength to do this and make the choice to address it rather than living with it and having the lives we deserve and to enjoy again.

if you want to pm maybe we can work on something, oh and the other thing i have started doing is working through the living life to the full course on the net.

take care and i hope things have settled down some for you


11-05-09, 14:00
U would think by now since 17 on and off havin anxiety and panic symptoms id b able 2 cope and no the signs. Im so fed up why does this keep coming bk:weep: i have a wonderful partner 2 sons and its taking over my life. Go 2 the docs sobbing telling her all the physical symptoms im getting she just says anxiety really dont believe this is all in my head as i experience physical symptoms bein a worrier i always asume the worse. If anyone has ever experienced the feeling of havin no air daliy u will no how scared i feel wish there was a magic wand somewhere 2 make this go away.
:hugs: This is how panic does keep coming back - we do not know the signs / we do not know why we can't control it.:hugs:
I read in a book by Aine Tubridy = that once we have one panic attack our body and mind are on alert waiting for the next one.
Because you and I and many others are worriers - the slightes ache will send us into a spin of fear - What is this ? why does it hurt?

And then your/ my doctor says "don't worry it is only anxiety" WHAT?????

How can anxiety cause all this?? anyway I was not anxious till this started!!!!

What you are suffering at the moment is HYPERVENTILATION (breathing too fast) there are books that will explain it very well and prove to you that it is not a serious problem:yesyes: literally just part (horrid part) of anxiety.
Hope this is of help
Best wishes