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Steve Gadd
11-05-09, 12:08
My name is Steve,

I've suffered on and off with Anxiety and depression for many years which has become more frequent since I got married recently, we are expecting our first child right now which is what I believe is causing my latest bout of anxiety and depression.

I believe that I suffer from Body Dismorphia which began around the age of 12 around the time that my mother became ill (when I was 10) she had her youngest child too late on in life which seems to have caused a long term problem, not only for her (she is in a home now and seems to have given up on everything) but it also deeply affects her children who continue to be greatly affected by the situation, we all seem to suffer from anxiety related issues.

I'd like to gain more insight into the condition and to learn more about how to treat it, I want to hopefully involve my brothers and sisters so that we can support each other because so far we have struggeled to deal with these painful times alone and rarely if ever bring up the subject with each other, I think that we would beneift greatly from acknowledging it rather than hiding from it. It has a stigma that makes it seem right to deny it rather than to meaningfully work together to understand it.

I'd be greatly interested to hear from anyone who could advise as to wether they have similar experiences or advice.



11-05-09, 13:20
Hi Steve

Welcome to the site I think you will find lots of good advice and support on here and hopefully find some of the answers you are looking for.

Take care


11-05-09, 14:43
Hi Steve,

Welcome to NMP. You will find that many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


11-05-09, 15:15
Hello Steve , Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding members here , i would let my family know how i am feeling, if they would rather not talk about themselfes, you keep telling them about yourself, eventually your siblings will talk , congratulations , on your Marriage and expecting your baby , your having alot of changes just now so thats probably added to your anxiety etc , glad you found the site , take care:welcome: Duskess x

Steve Gadd
15-05-09, 15:24
Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction and your words of support, It means a great deal to me. Knowing that it is not just me that can feel like this is the most helpful thing of all. Hope to chat with some of you soon.
