View Full Version : has anyone had scarlet fever

11-05-09, 13:59
hiya guys xx

ok i have sat most the day worrying about my little girl .

i took her to school this morning she was all happy and fine i overheard some of the mums talking about scarlet fever and that a lot of kids have it from school and also something new to me called slapped cheek syndrome:unsure: i think she may have had this on saturday as i kept saying she looked red/flushed.
i know i am probs over stressing about this but i lost my little girl 10 years ago and now hate anything like this ,,,more so things i have no clue about .
have any of u had this or know how infectious they are ?

jodie xxx

11-05-09, 14:03

Ben has had this twice hun and it really is nothing to worry about.
I know it sounds scary but it's just like your bog standard viral infection.
As far as i can remember, you just give calpol to keep the tempreture down and give them plenty fluids.

Try not to worry mate

11-05-09, 14:07
thanks girls xxx

i will maybe call the gp see what he says about it ,he might think i am mad lol

jodie xx