View Full Version : fears about hand tremor

11-05-09, 14:16
hi. I've got myself into a bit of a state about the fact that my hands shake a bit when I hold things - my left hand shakes more than my right (I am right handed). Just not sure whether it is normal to shake a little bit anyway and I am being hypervigilant or whether I am shaking more than normal?! Also, worried why I shake more with left hand than right - is this because I am right dominant and so that is my weaker side - also my neck and back muscles on that side are hurting and i was wondering whether that could make that hand shake more. If I think about it, the whole of left arm feels a bit weird and shaky too. Any advice would be great - I am driving myself nuts over this. I am 7 months pregnant at the moment so don't need all this anxiety!! :scared15:

11-05-09, 16:58
I shake too and a nerve doctor once said that is was so mild he wasn't even going to give it a second thought. A lot of people I know shake, so please don't worry and you are being over vigilant like you said!


11-05-09, 21:20
Hi there
My hands shake too when I'm tense or nervous and not surprisingly the more I worry about it the worse it becomes so the key is to ignore it and not to worry. If it's a question of embarassment chances are nobody else has noticed and who cares anyway -lots of people have shaking hands but they don't spill drinks, drop things etc.What may also help is deep breathing but also clenching and unclenching the hands to release the tension

11-05-09, 21:35
Thanks. What worries me is that my hands always shake a little bit - hardly noticeable at all with right hand - not just when I'm nervous or whatever. If I hold my hands out in front of me, they just shake a little bit, the left more than the right. Trying not to worry! Thanks for your tips.

12-05-09, 18:45
Hi again
Mine too and always have done as long as I can remember.I just accept that this is the way it is and like you the tremor is there whether I'm relaxed or not.I don't notice it unless I hold my hands out in front of me so I guess the answer if it's a worry is not to hold your hands and arms in this position which serves no useful purpose anyway.