View Full Version : Post Effects of an Anxiety attack

11-05-09, 15:00
Last week I felt great for the first time since all this kicked off. But on Saturday night I had a small anxiety attack, I controlled it, went for a walk and came back and relaxed.

However now for the past couple of days my stomach is playing up again and I can't eat in the morning. I feel nauseous for hours and really only abaits till about mid afternoon.

I have been tested for stomach ulcers couple of weeks ago and they came back saying there was no Helio bactori, but to come back for more tests in 6 weeks time. Now this hasn't worried me, my anxiety seems to rise when I think of death/getting old/not coping when old, but since Saturday I keep getting "pangs" in my stomach, the same way as normal before last week (bring last week back it was a great week!).

Does this sound normal to everyone else?

Veronica H
11-05-09, 15:14
hi wisey

This sounds very familiar to me. Have you listened to the free downloads from Dr Claire Weekes available from the NMP shop. She will reassure you that what you are feeling is to be expected and does not mean failure. Dr Weekes really understood this illness and offers a way forward. Take care
:bighug1: Veronica

11-05-09, 15:28
Hi Veronica,

Thanks for the info. Will take a look at them now. The reason I asked was on Friday and Saturday I didn't eat too well (too much junk food) and then not long after I had an anxiety attack. I am getting to understand this more and realise that I need to beat this completely before I can "enjoy" junk food again!

So I take it from what you said you (or others) have experienced not eating properly each morning after an attack?



Veronica H
12-05-09, 19:37
Hi Colin

Not wanting to eat after an attack is very common. It will pass though. The danger is in thinking that eating has caused the attack and then developing a phobia about eating. This can happen very easily when your nerves are sensitised. Eat when you can Colin. Little and often. Many here drink Complan to keep their strength up until they feel like eating again.

:bighug1: Veronica

13-05-09, 09:00
Hi Veronica,

Thanks for replying. Just wasn't sure. Was worrying that up to three days after attack of not eating properly in the morning could have been a problem. But come 1 or 2 in the afternoon I am completely fine and can eat normally.

Its also kinda funny that as soon as I eat mangos in the afternoon my stomach problems abait!

Oh well as long as I know its normal after an anxiety attack thats great to hear.
