View Full Version : Tingling/itching???

11-05-09, 16:10
Is this an anxiety symptom?
I have tingling all over and its sorta itchy:wacko:
I've had several tests about a month ago and was given the "all clear"
This is a new symptom and its really weird,,,of course i still get my dizziness off and on and all the other so called anxiety symptoms but i just don't want to get in a panic over this tingling/itching thing.
Does anyone else get it?
If its not anxiety what else causes this???

11-05-09, 16:17

I am so pleased you posted this today because I have been worrying about this one. For the past couple of weeks, on and off, I have been getting this symptom can I ask you do you ever feel either really cold or really overly hot when you get this. This tingling can go through my whole body, do you think it is anything to do with hyperventilating.


11-05-09, 16:57

I am so pleased you posted this today because I have been worrying about this one. For the past couple of weeks, on and off, I have been getting this symptom can I ask you do you ever feel either really cold or really overly hot when you get this. This tingling can go through my whole body, do you think it is anything to do with hyperventilating.


Sometimes i'm really hot or cold when i get this but not always, seems like i have the tingling pretty much constantly though:( It definately goes through my whole body too. I don't think i'm hyperventilating though.
Sorry you have it too, its so annoying:hugs:

11-05-09, 18:56
Tingling is definitely a symptom of anxiety, I've had that really bad, it wasn't really itching but that could just be dry skin or spring weather (I got super itchy last summer just because apparently worldwide allergies are getting worse every year). Or just an awful anxiety feeling of crawling skin which i've definitely had! Also lots of times I've gotten very hot and cold flashes that like roll through my whole body, where I was sure I was dying, after seeing and being reassured by a lot of docs that is a very common anxiety symptom it kind of stopped.

11-05-09, 19:05
Thank you lindzanne that has put my mind at rest alot, this has been driving me mad this week.
