View Full Version : Chest pains/arm pains

11-05-09, 17:01

I have had on and off for a few months chest and arm pains (arm pains came first I think)

I noticed the chest pains the day after a training session and presumed I had agrevated an old injury or something a long those lines but after stewing over it and combining the arm pain (maybe from sleeping on it too much or maybe result of an old shoulder injury) I decided something was wrong so I went to the doctors who listened to my chest which was clear and checked my heart and blood pressure which was fine.

I am 16 1/2 stone 6ft1 and have a bmi of 28-30 so I know I am overweight but I am of a large frame (ex-bouncer and MMA fighter) and 30 years old. I exercise 4-5 nights a week if I can and if Im not worrying my heart will explode.

The pains come and go and seem to be just behind or inbetween the ribs or occasionally on the surface between my ribs.

The more I worry over it the more I feel pains. I had a week or so off no chest pain but it seem to come back.

I wouldnt say the pains originate in my lungs as I have had infections before that have been sore and when I have my sensible head on I wouldnt say they were my heart because they seem to be too far forward for that and I havnt dropped dead yet.

I get a bit of phlegm in my throat if I start associating it with my lungs and my throat feels tight (somatic?) and If I associate the pain with my heart it tends to centralize (somatic?) there are certain positions that make it uncomfortable and make me think its my intercostals or something but I cant shake the worry which leads to panic attacks.

Has anyone else had simlar beefs?

11-05-09, 17:58
I am suffering with arm chest back pain and it really hurts, i think i tense up a lot though.
Try not to worry, I have dr appointment on thursays so will let you know.

11-05-09, 23:09
Ive read that posture and tensing up can cause muscle soreness so Im sure you will be fine!

I just got back from the gym and got dumped on my arse several times by a another big boy which hurt my chest and back a little but most of the time I was unaware of any pain which was reassuring. As soon as I got home I started thinking about my chest and I could feel a burning sensation. I took a heart burn pill which seems to have controlled it and im hitting the tub to sooth any muscle pains.

11-05-09, 23:49

This is quite common when mixing exercise with anxiety. You get a slight pain somewhere while exercising and then focus in on it and suddenly it feels ten times worse, or you start to think there are pains in other parts of your body.

I get the same sort thing while exercising and used to think I was going to drop down dead. The main thing is you have been checked out and everything is fine.

14-05-09, 13:28
News Update,

Was sparring last night and my left arm was full of all manner of pains and my chest was burning. At the same time another lad split his eye lid so we went down to our a & e on a 'hospital date' and they gave me an ecg and good check over and it was all good so im currently feeling a lot better apart from the sore arm which they put down to and old shoulder injury and the sore chest which they think is something that ends in 'itis/itus' and means you have an inflamtion of the chest muscle.

The other lad has his eye glued!