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11-05-09, 18:53
hiya im amy iv visited this site for a while now im 19 with two gorgouse lil girls ever since iv known iv sufferd with a fear of S**k
but since my daughter was born in december 2008
its got a whhole lot worse iv been visited by many mental health team workers as iv cut all my arms my legs in fear
iv tried taking overdoes's with anti sickness tablets im so scared my eldest daughters stays wwith her dad most nights and i havent bonded with my youngest bcos she always chucks up
i dont no what to do any more only my fear seems to have turned into sumthing more serious such has i hear voices telling me im going to be S**K
and telling me to harm my self i dont no what to do bcos i feel as if no one takes me serious any more
im loseing my children my life my familly and all because of this awfull fear i just want to end it but my kids keep me living

does any one else suffer this bad?

all my love amy xxxx

11-05-09, 19:20
I've have emetophobia and i had a VERY sickly child with terrible reflux. He'd throw up after EVERY SINGLE FEED and then when going onto solids, he would still be sick because he was unable to chew!

Thing with me, is that my baby being sick didn't bother me at all because it wasn't a bug and i couldn't catch it. Now, when he had a bug, that was entirely different.

The voices you hear, isn't the truth. It's just the fear. I use to get convinced that if i went outside, i would be sick. I eventually became roombound because i was so scared and at that point i wouldn't even let my child be out of the house either in case he came in contact with someone who'd been ill.

Do you see a doctor about this? You need some help. Are the people that you see helping you? Cutting yourself isn't going to stop the fear OR the possibility of you being ill. Unless you are unwell - you're not going to be sick anyway. Thats the thing that i have learnt, why would i just puke? Answer - i wouldn't. I don't go out of my way to feel sick or to get sick, in fact, i stay well away from people in general and i make sure my hands are clean.

I think it's very important something is done for you because you're missing out on your childrens' lives. It's not fair for them to not be staying with their mummy. They need you.


11-05-09, 19:42
thank you for your reply
im convinced every day me and my children have a bug
i see the crisis team from the hospital
i need to get better for my children because my eldest will be ready for nursery
and how am i guna cope with that :( i wud used to be house bound but the help from my partner got me going out i even ate in a reasturant the other day but did take me alot of courage and afterwards i sufferd
tonights the worst because i had a lil bit of stomach ache
and now im worried i will have a bug tonight :( i need some reasurance x

11-05-09, 23:30
I know exactly how you feel. I use to think i was going to throw up ALL the time. But deep down, i knew, i'd not been anywhere, or near anyone who had been ill.

I did have a couple of bugs in a relatively short space of time and i can tell you this, how i felt those days was nothing like i feel day to day when i get my "stomach aches/sickness".

What happens is that anixety/panic grabs onto what you fear the most (sickness) and they are the symptoms you will have. Because i don't fear throwing up as quite as much as i do having a heart attack or dying, my main symptoms now are heart pains and breathing problems whereas they use to be stomach troubles and nausea.

I can bet you a million pound you will NOT throw up anytime soon :)


Little Miss Kizzy
23-05-09, 10:30
I've have emetophobia and i had a VERY sickly child with terrible reflux. He'd throw up after EVERY SINGLE FEED and then when going onto solids, he would still be sick because he was unable to chew!

Thing with me, is that my baby being sick didn't bother me at all because it wasn't a bug and i couldn't catch it. Now, when he had a bug, that was entirely different.

The voices you hear, isn't the truth. It's just the fear. I use to get convinced that if i went outside, i would be sick. I eventually became roombound because i was so scared and at that point i wouldn't even let my child be out of the house either in case he came in contact with someone who'd been ill.

Do you see a doctor about this? You need some help. Are the people that you see helping you? Cutting yourself isn't going to stop the fear OR the possibility of you being ill. Unless you are unwell - you're not going to be sick anyway. Thats the thing that i have learnt, why would i just puke? Answer - i wouldn't. I don't go out of my way to feel sick or to get sick, in fact, i stay well away from people in general and i make sure my hands are clean.

I think it's very important something is done for you because you're missing out on your childrens' lives. It's not fair for them to not be staying with their mummy. They need you.



I'm 33 & have had Emet since I was 12 but I'm now at the age where I need to start thinking of babies but I'm scared to death about morning sickness & also when they get older if they catch any bugs & then I get them :mad: can I ask how you got on when you had children as I would love one but am to scared :weep:

23-05-09, 10:49
I didnt even know that there is phobia of this type until i read this.

I am thought terrifed of sickness myself every time I am in relapse. I stop eating for weeks, I am sick from the morning when i brush teeth, and then i can t eat, and have constant diarhea. This all thiough i always considered as sideeffects of anxiety. hOW DO I COPE? Somebody told me that the best solution for sickness is to eat, to frce yourself. So I do, force bananas into me, baby milk formula, juices and water.
As for the germs, to be honest with the kids i had this stage and then it turned into GAD and other fears took over. I believe its possible to overcome with some tricky solution to your mind, as it is fooling you. Like with the sickness i eat and do not vomit after though i have no taste, no ability to smell at all some days, but when i realise that i feel my stomack with at least something regardless sickness my mind starts cooling down, and appetite comes. Thoung morning sickness of brushing teeth stys much longer.

Take care

24-05-09, 19:05
iv got two children i wasnt so bad with my sickness phobia with my first i was sick 3 times
with my second luckly my partner made sure before i got out of bed id eaten sum toast and drank sugary tea that prevented my morning sickness
eatin just eat when u feel sick thats my tips n stay away from the smells that make u gag
just after i gave birth december 2008
i threw up because of the injection they gave me to make the placenta to come out and i was fine
but my biggest fear is the fear of bugs i took my eldest daughter to a fun fair yesterday and was playin on a climbing frame where there was kids what looked pretty healthy but she didnt have much contact with them but today iv had a huge panic attack iv cut all up my legs yet again see when i panic i turn to my sickness tablets diazepam n a razer n its killin me inside i dont no who i am this awfull fear as taken over my life n one day its guna take my life
i hear voices all the time in my head warning me
iv been admitted into hospital because i took a overdose of anti sickness tablets

Little Miss Kizzy
31-05-09, 21:36
iv got two children i wasnt so bad with my sickness phobia with my first i was sick 3 times
with my second luckly my partner made sure before i got out of bed id eaten sum toast and drank sugary tea that prevented my morning sickness
eatin just eat when u feel sick thats my tips n stay away from the smells that make u gag
just after i gave birth december 2008
i threw up because of the injection they gave me to make the placenta to come out and i was fine
but my biggest fear is the fear of bugs i took my eldest daughter to a fun fair yesterday and was playin on a climbing frame where there was kids what looked pretty healthy but she didnt have much contact with them but today iv had a huge panic attack iv cut all up my legs yet again see when i panic i turn to my sickness tablets diazepam n a razer n its killin me inside i dont no who i am this awfull fear as taken over my life n one day its guna take my life
i hear voices all the time in my head warning me
iv been admitted into hospital because i took a overdose of anti sickness tablets
Yeah I've been told by a few people to eat when you feel sick, I will keep that in mind :) thank you
I'm so sorry to hear of your panic attack :weep: are you taking any other pills for your anxiety? I don't like to hear that you have taken to the razer I know it's not easy I've been there but if you ever need to chat any time at all please do contact me as I find some times if I talk about it to some one I feel better, I know when I feel poorly I talk to me parents or my husband as they reassure me & I find that really helps :) you can also e-mail me if you like please don't suffer alone x
Take Care

01-06-09, 13:35
you know what, ive been thinking about this and in my childhood i did have a fear of getting sick. its gone now, but its weird, i only just remembered now