View Full Version : Confused ??worried ?? Whats Up With Me??

11-05-09, 19:58
Hiya every one can any 1 relate to what i am saying i take co codomaol tablets 30mg for pain and headaches i have taken them for months whe i take them its like they make my anxiety worse i think more of dieing and that i am going to die or my brain is going funny its horrible it was never always like this but it is now but i still take them i am a little dependant on them at the moment which is hard i cant stand thinking like i am my sinuse are a bit stuffy so i think may b that has a part to do with it i just dont no i just keep thinking there is somethin bad going on in side me i just dont no what and i cant explain how i feel properly to my doctor or to any one else forthat matter i cnat understand my self whats going on at times or how im feeling the symptoms im getting im am getting bit confused lately and like my head is jerking and jumping i dont no if this is a part of anxiety?? co codomol?? or some thin is up with me thanks for all comments i get back i am grateful onistly xx:)

11-05-09, 20:56
Hey there, it sounds to me like your getting your self very worked up, what you are describing about feeling like something bad is going on inside you, and thinking about death sounds exactly like what I do, on a daily basis, often my thoughts are heightened at night. Honestly I think you should stop taking the tablets, taking too many of them will give you a stuffy head, and perhaps it is a subconscious thing that being aware your taking so many is making you anxious and making these thoughts happen. If I was you, id stop the tablets for a while and if you feel any sinus pains or anything, put your head over boiling water and see if that helps, it also is good for your skin too :) I hope you can feel better soon xxxx

12-05-09, 16:40
Have to tell you that codeine (which is in Co-codamol) is highly addictive... you really shouldn't use them for months, three days at a time at the most. After prolonged use they can cause constipation, headaches, depression and anxiety....

Coming off them won't be great either.... you'll get the same symptoms, only worse. But only for a week - then you will start to feel more normal again.

Trust me on this one - I was addicted to codeine for two years - and I've overcome it now for nearly a year.....

12-05-09, 21:26
Hi hun
I think bex is right.
I used co-codamol for years until i changed the chemist where i had them dispensed and he questioned why my gp gave me them with the anti-depressant i was on at the time because they interacted with them?
They can make you very irritable...anxious and fuzzy headed too (i had all of the above) but it did wear off iwithin a week or so after i stopped taking them.
I think maybe you need a word with your gp or chemist and they might be able to prescribe something else a little milder like soluable paracetamol.
Hope your feeling better.