View Full Version : New here - Advice Welcomed!

11-05-09, 20:10
Just wanted to say hello to everyone, and maybe pick up some advice about my newest challenge! I have been dealing with anxiety/depression for 14 or so years. I have been on and off SSRI's for a good 10 years. I have been on Celexa (20mg) for over a year now and have been feeling great minus a few setback here and there. I made an appointment with my psych and decided it was time to come off the medicine, because I wanted to give my body a break and I felt I was ready. Literally two days later I had an ocular migraine (temporary flashing lights, partial blindness) followed by a regular migraine. I had never had one before so as you can imagine I was quite scared! After geting a CAT scan from my physician, she decided that was all that it was and there were no major problems. Since then I have had an on and off headache, and bouts with some nautiousness. I have been quite anxious, but even days when I am feeling good are distracted by this headache. On top of this my hands have been shaking a lot more than usual, and I have been waking up several times a night completely soaked in sweat. The only other times I can remember having night sweats is when I have come off or on my medicine. I went to ENT and they found I had a sinus infection, but since than it has cleared. Also, I have the worst pain in my upper back and neck that the chiropractor thinks could be causing these headaches. Other than the anxiety I am extremely healthy (work out 6 days a week, no drugs,alchohol, coffee, or smoking, and am 25 years old). My question is, despite currently being on celexa, can I get withdrawel symptoms if it is no longer working?! What do you think my next step should be? I feel like my life would be going really well right now if I didn't have these negative physical feelings. Could it be the anxiety that is doing it?! Thanks in advance!

12-05-09, 07:26
A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

12-05-09, 07:35
I am on celexa too, I have never come off it but my sister has come off here meds and has had really wierd symptoms like the ones your describing, and have heard definitely of people having these with celexa. I think it goes away, but from what I understand you are supposed to come off it slowly, not cold turkey. Have you asked anyone about that? Like taking half a pill a week, then a quarter a week, etc. I am not an expert by any means but its worth looking into.
Those symptoms sound like what I felt like when I started celexa actually,like you said! If it takes a month or so to work, it might take a while to leave your system.
Anyway, those are my two cents.
Welcome, this is a great place, hope you can find help!

12-05-09, 15:19
Hi Viggen,

Welcome to NMP. You will find that many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I also get migraines but not due to med withdrawal and I know how painful they can be. If I were you I would contact my GP and ask if I could wean off the celexa slower, perhaps that will help with your migraines and muscular pain. Good luck and I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


12-05-09, 15:38
Hello Viggen , Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding here , glad you found the site, take care ,:welcome: Duschess x

12-05-09, 19:55
I'm sorry I was not very clear! I never got off the medicine because before I could attempt to I got the visual migraine. I was wondering if you could suffer withdrawals if the medicine appears to no longer work?