View Full Version : i cant even cope with this anymore...

11-05-09, 21:36
i am sick of this nowww.
its hurting me and getting me down so much.

nothing people have told me to do has stopped my symptoms, the doctors just shrug me off everytime i go and i dont feel like anyone understands.

im 18 years old and i dont feel like i should feel like this.
im so down.

12-05-09, 04:08

I have been where you are - nobody understands, doctors dont even understand, etc. Now, i am where i am through hard work, persistance and the right kind of help.

What you need to accept is that recovery will take time. There is no immediate cure, but there is a cure - it's called Time. You have to give yourself a break, 'let time pass' (to quote Claire Weekes, i think!) and dont expect to get better overnight.

That's pretty much it. There's more to it of course, but dont push yourself to get better instantly, because it only leads to stress and more anxiety.

Hope you feel better soon,


13-05-09, 23:09
Tell the doctor that you would like to see a psychiatrist. I had to do this and he sorted out my medication. When I eventually stabalised he arranged for me to see a psychologist for CBT which really helped me.

Also, have you ever thought about telephoning the Samaritans? When I used to feel really bad I would phone them and cry my heart out to them. It used to help me.