View Full Version : A few new symptoms....

24-08-05, 21:16
Hi all,

I know I have been posting quite a lot lately about 'heart' symptoms but I am getting quite worried about my symptoms and I dont know what to do anymore. I have spoken to my GP about them and he is putting them down to another anxiety symptom but I am not so sure.... Does anyone else feel like every symptom they get now is said to be 'Anxiety'?

I have always suffered form palpitations, missed heart beats etc since my anxiety began almost 5 yrs ago. I have had about 6 ECG's and a 24 hr test last year... all fine. Anyway, since Decmeber last year my symptoms have changed a little.....

First it was a weird taste in my mouth.... I worried myself sick it was epilepsy or soemthing wrong with my brain (MRI scan of brain last year was normal). I do still have the tastes but they are not as bad as they were.

Secondly, I keep getting funny sensations in my head/neck and these are particularly on the right side of my head, which is the side I have TMJ ( jaw problems). Its kind of like static in my head or I here little crackling noises in my head. I am not sure if these are just muscular problems as I know when I move my neck around I do hear grating noises...

Thirdly, I have been experiencing hot flashes around my body and these can be anywhere.. back, heart region, head, leg.......

Fourthly, I have been getting hot burning sensations from the centre of my chest which seem to rise up to my head and this makes me feel a little sick and hot and I feel I get a funny taste in my mouth when this happens.... I am really worried about this one as its at the heart region adn I am scared there really is somthing wrong with my heart.....

Does anyone else get these symptoms?

I just dont know if they are anxiety related or something else but I am finding it difficult to just ignore them and accept them as anxiety. I am really struggling with the symptoms at the moment.



24-08-05, 21:23



25-08-05, 07:40
Hi Sadie,
I can totally sympathise with you. If you have read any of my recent/old posts they are usually all heart related and I think I do constantly worry about it but I am desperately trying to find a way to stop.

I know exactly what you mean, about the docs just putting everything down to anxiety. I have a friend, who is a counsellor, and she is very much like that now, because thats how she has trained her mind to work. I have often said to her, one day, maybe it won't be anxiety.....but that is my negative thoughts working overtime and really, positive thoughts are better.

Every so often, I have 'something else' wrong with me, that takes my mind off the ectopics for a while and then I focus on that other thing, making it out to be much worse than what it really is. I even do it with my kids or my hubby. My daughter recently had stomach ache for a few days, and the docs said there wasn't anything wrong and I was constantly worried. Eventually they gave her gaviscon and she was fine!!!

A lot of our problems are because we are such anxious people and are therefore much more sensitive to what our bodies are doing. I am sure you will get plenty of replies from people who have experienced your new symptoms and hopefully put your mind at rest.

Take care and please PM me if you need to talk.
Love, Linda.xxx(sorry if I went on too long!)

25-08-05, 08:50
Hi Sadie

Reading your post i recognised most symptoms in myself. I have the funny noise in mymneck...its like sand shifting through my neck. Ive also started wanting to grind my teeth together until they fall out (strange!).

I thought i was getting a little bit better yesterday but late last night i felt dreadful...

Take care...

Maddie x

25-08-05, 09:21
I worried about this too and did a survey of friends one night and we all had gravel in our necks.

Maddie - you can get a mouth guard for your teeth grinding. This is a sign of pure tension..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-08-05, 22:03
Thanks about the mouth guard Meg...someone else mentioned that to me...i'll go to the dentist and get it checked out...at least i dont have a phobia of him yet lol. Just of the optician, hospital etc...lol


27-08-05, 00:59
Hi Sadie!

I can relate to the ectopic (palpitations). I had 2 good runs with them last month, thought they were gone and I am now on my 5th day of having them 24/7. My Cardiologist says they are completely 'benign' and for me not too worry! It's amazing how easy it is for him to say! I called this afternoon and the nurse called me back and Dr. told her to tell me to relax, take my medication and do some breathing....funny thing, I walked a mile last night and did not notice ONE palpitation! Seems the more I sit around, the moe I notice. I just find this whole thing baffling. I am making myself calm down because there is no pain, no nothing, just like the time I landed in the E.R. Actually, this week they've been lighter, I sleep just fine. Have had a lot going on with different family matters and I'm sure this is the reason I ended up with them. Plus I've had a run on hives too, Dr. says 'STRESS".....it all coincides. Hope you are feeling better.


27-08-05, 09:57
Thanks all to have replied

The symptoms are still here onand off throughout the day but I guess I just have to put them down to anxiety until someone tells me different. I just feel my symptoms keep changing if it is anxiety but maybe thats how it works....

I had a full day of new 'etopic beats' yesterday so that was good..... I think m problem is a dwell to much on the negative things and fail to see just how far I have come since my anxiety started.... a close friend of mine pointed this out the other day.

Off for a day of shopping today so hopefully I will stay calm and focussed and buy these new shoes I am looking for!


28-08-05, 01:27
Hi Sadie

I have just posted about having very similar symptoms to yours - I feel like I am going nuts with it too! I hope you had a good day shopping and found the shoes you wanted!

Helen x