View Full Version : Fears of I.B.S, cancer and fainting need advice please

11-05-09, 22:41
Hi all, im feeling really low right now and keep having panic attacks and feeling light headed. It started last thursday night, i had diarrhoea for a few hours that night quite badly i think, then a small bit the next morning. it stopped and i was fine for a few days but tonight i had another little bit and my anxiety being what it is i freaked out again and looked it up in a medical book and it said all sorts of things and im really worried. i dont have any other symptoms apart from feeling lightheaded and a bit sick but i think i could be making myself feel that way with the panic attacks. im very scared right now that i have I.B.S or cancer or that i might faint (thats a huge fear of mine) or something else and i was also really scared when it first started. i would just like to know if anyone else has had it like that or what it could be cos im really freaked out.

12-05-09, 00:07
Heya, sometimes what we eat can change our bowel movements, so its not un common to have an episode of diarrhea, anxiety can also cause it too. Of course if it persists then do speak with your doctor. I certainly wouldn't start worrying about cancer, that's the last thing I'd be thinking of. As for IBS, well i have that, i can reassure you that even though it does cause discomfort its not life threatening and will not lead to cancer.

I hope u feel better soon xxxxxx

12-05-09, 00:25
hi holly, yeah i think it could be indian food cos it happened last time when i had it. i've not had a problem before and i've mainly eaten indian food most of my life but i heard you can get reactions for no reason. also i read panic attacks can cause it. thanks for your reply hon xx

12-05-09, 00:31
Oh yeah for sure, I've eaten Indian food on many occasions and ended up in the bathroom suffering!!! For me it is something that has developed over the last few years, so i know what kinda foods i need to avoid. Maybe there is something in the Indian that disagrees with you. And yes anxiety can give us an upset stomach as well. Try not to worry to much, i am sure it will settle down.


12-05-09, 01:38
IBS is so so so so soooooo common. The cancer fear is irrational to associate with occasional diarrhea as it could be caused by just stress or eating poorly... or sometimes its just certain foods that do it. For me its tuna.... so much vitamin B my body digests it in an almost superhuman fashion :P x