View Full Version : Anyone esle?

12-05-09, 11:44

Struggling with anxiety for a few years now. Although I don't have full blown panic attacks anymore, high anxiety feelings and symptoms can last for hours and hours. Does anyone have a pressure feeling of needing to run away - I haven't done yet! It can happen when I'm working or talking to people, an overwhelming feeling of not being ok, a kind of trembling inside with nausea, almost like you can't quite sit still or relax. This eats away at me until I can stand it no longer. A bit like a cork in a bottle ready to do off???

It makes me feel like I'm losing my mind :weep: as also it seems to change my thoughts - they go 'black' and I think something terrible is about to happen and that I cannot cope with life. When the physical feeling aren't there, I don't feel this way and feel like my old self - it freaks me out as there's a huge difference between the two states. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Thank you, Fillyjonk

12-05-09, 11:45
Just to add - it's almost like a panic attack but totally slowed down.

12-05-09, 22:43

I get something along these lines. I too havn't had proper panick attacks for quite some time now but every so often I have a wave of anxiety symptoms which at times are so scary that I just want to turn the car around or drop the shopping and go home!

Its not panick, I just become aware of the feelings and how not good I feel and start thinking what should I do! lol

But I just ignore and carry on because I know that if I start letting this take over me again I won't be a happy bunny, life's for living and thats what i intend on doing.

Take care
Cassi xxxx