View Full Version : need some advice re:dr's

12-05-09, 12:33
Hi all,
I have been having really bad chest,back arm and rib pain on and off for a few months.
Had a blood test a few weeks ago and i was borderline for inflammatory markers, so i need a repeat.
The dr gave me codine and citropram and said some thing about lupas which i am really worried abot can anyone advise?

12-05-09, 15:37
If you were only borderline for inflammatory markers then the chances are that your next test will be normal. Sometimes even the labs can cause the borderline results - I remember years ago having inflammtory marker blood tests and the Dr said he had done about 10 tests that week and everyone had come back borderline so he was querieng the lab and later he told me that they had had a problem with one fo their machines!

It would seem that the marker that was borderline was the one related to lupus if thats what your Dr said - people usually get really high readings if they have lupus ( a friend of mine had this).

Fingers crossed your next test is normal.

12-05-09, 16:26
Thank you Hun xx

13-05-09, 17:52
well I had loads of tests done and the one for no explained inflamtor maker came up boarderline so she wants to repete it and do a lupus test.
She also mentioned fibromaligia.