View Full Version : im sick of fighting this

25-08-05, 08:58
Hi all

If you were in chat last nite u will know that after a visit to my hypnotherapist i was feeling much better. The vertigo that has been plaguing me all week had gone and things were good.

However late last night i had a massive panic attack. The vertigo came back with a vengance and i was shaking, freezing cold and my stomach was churning.

My husband couldn't believe the change in me and thinks that i don't want him around me so the vertigo comes to push him away. I feel that the vertigo is a physical sympton of a real illness but how can it be when it disappeared at the hypnotherapists office?

This morning my husband has gone to work without saying bye and i know he's thinking of moving out again.

I'm so fed up with my life...i'll never get better...i've lost the energy to fight this.

Sorry to go on but im feeling really low :(:(:(


25-08-05, 09:17
It sounds like the vertigo had gone as you had relaxed at the hypnotherapists.

Initially, these calm feelings do not last very long but they are cumulative so the more relaxed you learn to be and the more you take on board the messages you get through hypnotherapy the longer the effects last.

Do you know what set off the panic last night ?

We all have had bouts of despair, but you can get better although it does not happen overnight.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-08-05, 09:36
Sorry your feeling so awful at the moment and I understand how you feel with the vertigo, its really upseting to live with.
I found when i went to Accupuncture my anxiety got worse, dont know if it was because it was making me think more about my problems ?
Also I dont know if I really belived everything they told me, I was suspisious about there technique,especially when they where piling me with herbal pills to buy each week.

Do you 100 percent believe and trust your Hypnotherapist ?


25-08-05, 10:45
What Meg says is so right, i found that i began to gradually feel better, the panics began to get longer in between, until they subsided completely. I does take time and doesnt happen overnight, but you will get there. Just keep telling yourself that you wont allow this to beat you and look towards a brighter future.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

25-08-05, 12:46
Thanks everyone for your messages:D they really help.

Mirry I think i do trust my therapist but what you said about thinking more about your problems maybe this is whats happening. Im reading a good book at the moment Essential Help For Your Nerves and im trying to be calmer.

Meg I think what happened last night was my husband was trying to get close to me and i had discussed issues i have with emotional and physical intimacy with my therapist, acknowledging that i have big problems with this. I think this started my panic attack, it was the worst Ive had for a while...but now my husband thinks i have problems with him and he's becoming irritated with me:(

Im going to the docs tomorrow to ask for a scan on my neck and back because my dad has ankolysing spondilitis and my mum has rheumatoid arthritis and maybe the vertigo is coming from my neck and then i get a panic attack.

I seem to panic more about the fear of getting up and having vertigo than actually having it??!! if that makes sense.

Anyway thanx again all of u


25-08-05, 13:31

I have spondilitis of the spine , I have 3 discs missing inbetween my shoulder blades , my lower ribs are all fused together which makes it painfull to breath in and i have a slight curve on my lower spine and my collar bones are slightly out of line !

NOW I KNOW I SOUND A MESS but to look at you would never know unless i lay on my back then you can see one side of my rib cage is higher than the other side.

I got diagnosed with this when i was 18 years old and got offered a horrendous opperation or see if i out grow the pain.
I am 37 now and i still get pain but not as bad as i did.
But over the years my dizzyness has become acute and ive been told its panic( 3 years ago) and since then started really panicking.

i will also take this up with my doctor !


25-08-05, 21:49
Hey Mirry

Im going to my docs tomorrow to demand an x-ray as i have found info that lists dizziness and unsteadiness as symptoms of cervical spondilitis. Im now sure that i do get vertigo because of my spine but the fear of it makes it so much worse.

Anyway thanks for your post and hopefully i'll get some help tomorrow


26-08-05, 06:03
I am so sorry that your husband isn't understanding this!! It is so confusing to we who suffer from it and then to have our own family affected by it makes it even worse! Would your husband see a therapist WITH you? I know my husband is totally confused by all this too and I'm going to take him with me on one of my visits to the psychologist.
((((((((hugs))))))))) for you!
Wishing you the best!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

26-08-05, 12:30
Thanks Andrea

Actually my husband IS going to see my hypnotherapist and is reading a book on anxiety [Yeah!]

Ive been to my docs today and i saw a locum doc and he was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

He spent 20 mins with me and because of his encouragement hi am starting Citalopram that has sat in my drawer for weeks. He has also referred me to a counsellor. I feel so much better, in fact i could have hugged him.

Hugs to you too and thanx to everyone who has replied

Maddie x

26-08-05, 14:10
Glad you're feeling better today.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-08-05, 16:26
So glad your feeling a bit brighter Maddie. Keep up those POSITIVE thoughts hun.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

Sue K with 5
27-08-05, 00:09
Hi Maddie

about two years ago at the heigh of my anxiety I went to get out of bed one morning and the room just span and I mean span, OMG I fell on the bed in a heap, I was so scared, I rang my doctor and was told it was possibly some kind of virus or inner ear infection.

The symptoms did subside with medication after about a week, but I was left with permanent light headiness all the tim, even tonight I can be sitting down and my head can spin.

I have terrible problems now, and this made the symptoms with the anxiety and panic a lot worse.

Your issues with your husband are very difficult and I agree that this was probably brought on by your session with the therapist, I sat my husband down one day and explained this to him and although he was pretty taken back, explaining how I felt did alleviate the pressure for a while

I hope things improve for you soon

Take care

I had all these symptoms when I was younger too and they did eventually subside, I had 8 years where I was doing so well so dont let this beat you, keep fighting it.

Your husband should g


27-08-05, 05:25
Glad to hear things are better! (((((((((hugs))))))))) back at ya!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

28-08-05, 13:02
Hey everyone,

Im on day 3 of taking my meds :D that is such a positive step for me.

I went away on Friday with my husband for a second honeymoon kinda thing. It was dreadful, I had been feeling so positive after my session with the doc but when we got to the hotel i became dizzy again. I could hardly leave the room to go for a meal and when i did get downstairs to the restaurant i couldn't eat anything...i just wanted to run out.

Saturday morning was no better...i woke up with vertigo and got really upset because i don't think i'll ever get better. I felt sorry for my husband (he was really supportive) cos i felt that i'd ruined his weekend.

However it did spur me on to take my second tablet because i can't let this control my life.

When i got home last night i began to feel better and less dizzy, does this mean that i'm becoming agraphobic????

Anyway thanks for all your posts, they really help.

Love Mads x

28-08-05, 13:52
hi Mads,

Sorry to hear that your weekend wasn't all that you hoped it would be. However, you did great by even attempting it in the first place!!

Well done with the meds!! Keep it up and let's see how you feel in a few weeks..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal