View Full Version : doctors or dont bother ??

12-05-09, 14:40
as i have previously posted im worried about lymphoma

im considering making an appointment at the docs for her to check my neck and look over past blood results i no on my last test that eosinophils were marginally out as were Mean corpuscular volume both marginally raised.

going to the docs really increases my anxiety and i haven't been for 2 months will this be worthwhile or anxiety for nothing?

12-05-09, 17:15
any advice please people?

12-05-09, 17:25
Hi, it might be a good idea to ask for a repeat blood test.....i had the same problem with a raised ESR levels earlier this year, even though it was not drastically out i couldnt stop worrying it was due to some kinda blood malignancy and i even started getting other freaky symptoms - achy joints, rashes, tiredness etc (most probably because i was worrying excessivley!)...it was worth it in the end as my results had returned to normal and by magic symptoms got better and i stopped worrying so much!

I used to freak out about lymphoma a lot....as i generally get enlarged lymph nodes and tonsils due to allergy.:blush:

12-05-09, 17:40
i may do last time i said to the doctor the results out therefore should we look at this further he said no they have to put the normal marks somewhere and it was only out by 0.0.4% so its spitting feathers. my esr was fine.......

is it normal to feel lymph nodes in the neck?

my only real symptom is hives (mostly only when stressed) and being able to feel the lymph nodes in the neck and the occasional poking sensation in the left stomach, maybe its a poo lol tmi i know any thoughts please?

12-05-09, 17:50
The doctors probably right, the ranges they put down as normal vary from place to place, from country to country etc.....they dont necesarily fit 100% of people just the majority.

My little sis gets the poking in the left hand side of her stomach when she needs to...you know lol (i dont know why she ever told me that in the first place!)

Lymph nodes are funny things, i always notice mine...i can always feel them, infact my left one is feeling quite big today for no apparent reason! They are definately meant to be there thats for sure! Mine get absolutely swollen when i have something as minor as a mouth ulcer they are a nightmare, also if your an allergy type person (hayfever, asthma etc) they can be enlarged - especially as its hayfever season and they've planted way too much of that awful yellow stuff in the fields rite now.

12-05-09, 17:56
like i said in my other posts im in the best shape ive been in, in ages gym, running, cycling

i doubt theres anything wrong but they do worry especially somedays when there bigger or more puffy than others, they seem to wax and wane is that what your describing ??

i also hate going to the docs as it sky rockets my anxiety

12-05-09, 18:11
Yeah, mine definately have a mind of their own....they do wax and wane and have done since i was about 14 or 15. I used to freak out a lot about it as i had a friend who had hodgkins lymphoma - at that point i was in and out of the doctors every other week about it, the doctor was very helpful at the time. Also i found out if i poked them about they do get bigger....i think most non-HA people dont even notice them, my bf's lymph nodes do wax and wane too though...ive compared before! :blush:

I hate going to the doctors too, but if it helps stop me worrying and obsessing over something for any period of time - even a day i think its worth it!!! Ultimately i move onto worrying about something else though :doh:

12-05-09, 19:08
The last time I had a blood test, my doctor told me that my results were "pretty much" normal. When I questioned him about the use of that phrase, he said to me that there are varying degrees of normality, in the same way that people are different heights. 0.04% is very, very small and if your doctor thought it was something to worry about then more tests would have been done. I know it's hard but you just have to believe them: they are trained to decipher blood test results. You can read up on it as much as you like but this will never replace medical training and years of practice.

BUT if you think that going to the doctor to discuss your results again will help, then you should. He (or she!) will probably just tell you exactly the same thing as last time! As for your lymph nodes, it can't hurt getting them checked out - I have one on my neck which I can feel which I've had for about 10 years; one on my groin as well which I can feel if I press for it. The doctor said they were both normal. If anything, the fact they are there just shows you that they're doing their job! I hope this helps!

12-05-09, 21:55

I think i posted on one of yr posts before and told u my dad had lymphoma last year and as yr running, cycling etc,i really would try not to worry about having this.

My dad could hardly stand he was so tired. he had to keep lying down, he had zero energy

love mandie x