View Full Version : farewell

25-08-05, 09:17
to all those who know me you my already know that me and my partner have been going through a rough patch well things have got worse im afraid.weve broken up this means im moving back to my parents and i wont have internet acsess.so i doubt ull c much of me from now on.(good ridance i hear?!!!!!)thanx 2 all those who have been there 4 me.matt ur great uve been like a brother 2 me and i love u very much keep in touch by phone and remember keep smilin:D sax ur a true friend thanx 4 listening 2 me moaning! i dunno what ive have done without u both uve been great(god im welling up!)take care of urselfs!ill be back!thanx 2 the ppl on this site its been a great help 2 me i hope 2 return soon!good luck 2 u all and bye 4 now lots of love mooxxxxx

25-08-05, 09:25
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((moo)))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))

I am so sorry that the break up is final and that you are now not going to have access to us anymore for the vital support you need.

We will all be here for u when u need us, please remember that when you get a chance to come and see us, either in chat or here on forum.

Moo you'll get through this, you will, its just going to take some time for you to adjust to your new life away from your partner.

Please please do your upmost to sort out the internet - i want to continue to be there for u so i'll text as soon as i sort my phone.

Moo keep your chin up please, keep fighting on, you'll get there i have complete faith in your strength of character that you will! Take good care of yourself and i won't say bye - just ta ta for now moo.

love Sax xx[8D]

25-08-05, 09:39
Hi Sillymoo,

So sorry to hear that you and your partner have split.

Good luck for your future happiness and hope to see you again real soon.

Kate x

25-08-05, 10:25
Hi Moo,
Sorry to hear about your relationship break up, it is very hard as i know from experience. It will get easier in time, although i know it doesnt feel like that at the minute, just look towards the future now and dont dwell on the past. Take care of yourself and we hope to see you back again very soon.
Love Trac xx

its "just a thought"

25-08-05, 10:44
Good luck for the future Moo!! Hope everything works out for you :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

25-08-05, 11:21
Well what can i say here ??? ....... one of the nicest people i have met on NMP is flying the nest and i'm gonna miss her so much. Talking to her always lightened my mood and brought a smile back to my normally glum looking face.

I am so glad i have met you Yvonne and i wish you all the best for the future. Yeah its gonna be hard, but you are a very strong person and i know you can do this

Big Hugs and goodbye kisses


"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

25-08-05, 11:44
Keep that chin up moo.

We will all miss you. Good luck hun



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

25-08-05, 13:40
Hi Moo,

Hopefully at some point you will be able to sort out some internet access and make your return!!

The site will always be here to come back to and in the meantime I send you my best wishes and hope you're ok (painful time for you I'm sure).

Love Piglet:)

25-08-05, 16:00
Hi Moo,

Wishing you all the very best for the future hun! Come back when you can.

Take good care,

Love PIP'S X X

25-08-05, 18:58
Sorry to hear about the break up and I hope things work out for you.

What about Internet cafes or the library for net access? If you need some help and support we will be here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-08-05, 19:00
Hi Moo

Hope to see you back very soon.

Sorry about the breakup.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-08-05, 12:10
just want 2 say thanx 2 all who have peplyed to my post!things are ok for me at the moment im living wiv my parents(nightmare!!)and im hoping to get my own place soon.see you all online sometime take care and thanx!!!! luv mooxx

29-08-05, 13:00
So good to hear from you Moo - :D:D don't forget to pop in when you can - speak to you again very soon and keep us updated as you are able!

take care Moo and here for you when you need me - remember that please

Sax xx[8D]

29-08-05, 19:57
take care hun


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

29-08-05, 20:33
Take care Moo, and all the best for the future, keep your chin up .:)


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

05-11-05, 09:46
howdy all!well id just like u all to know my partner and i are now back together !!!!!!yep sorted things out and things r good now!!ive been bk wiv him a few weeks now but havent been on 2 nmp coz of a thing or two so you wont see mee in chat but feel free to pm me anytime!thanx 2 those who were there 4 me when i needed someone i cant thanx u enough(matt & sax)luv 2 u both take care all mooxXx

05-11-05, 10:01
Smashing - a big welcome back Moo!!!

Love Piglet:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-11-05, 10:56
Hi Yvonne, I have just spoken to you on MSN but CONGRATULATIONS

again hun. I am so, so glad that you and your boyfriend have sorted

things out. Sorry we won't be seeing you in chat but I will speak to you

soon again on MSN.

Good luck!!!

Take Care

