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12-05-09, 17:23
going for reiki next week. has any body had this and did it help in any way

12-05-09, 23:08
I had. Didn't help.

13-05-09, 13:53
Sorry Marie.s, about my reply to you "Does Reiki help." I was in a bad mood last night. Reiki does help a lot of people to feel better. I wish you well for next week with your Reiki.

Best wishes,

13-05-09, 14:03
thanks for that..and i understand how you feel. no offense taken..any way i hope you are ok.xx

13-05-09, 14:29
I used to have it - have a read of my experience on the Reiki website page on the left

02-06-09, 22:08
I am attuned to reiki level one and I think my attunement and the rebalancing of energy is what set off my latest episode of depression - that's not a bad thing as I think it's that thing of things need to get worse before they get better.

I guess what I'm saying is that reiki can affect and help people in different ways, but be aware that the healing energy could initially create an negative impact to allow and overall positive outcome.

On the other hand it could just be a wonderful relaxing experience, as treatments most often are. I love reiki!

Not sure if that helps?!

10-10-09, 16:34
i think that its fab for anyone!! had my first session last month and have never been so relaxed in my life:). dont know if it did any long term healing for me but it was one of the most weirdest(in a good way) experiences of my life, i laughted and cryed at the same time. we all should be open minded about anything and everything because one way or another we can and will concore :hugs:

11-10-09, 00:20
I have had it four times and each time I have had chronic palpertations, It didnt work for me I prefer a relaxing massage but what ever works for you is good for you.

08-11-09, 23:42
That's interesting that you had chronic palpitations with reiki, I have been ectopics since I was attuned to Level 2 reiki in September. I was told it could be the energy levels evening out and integrating, but if so, I have to say I am really getting tired of it.
Getting Reiki is wonderful, I have truly enjoyed it, and the sessions are so relaxing, and not much else works for me the way reiki does. HOWEVER, in retrospect, I think I would skip getting the attunements and training to do it myself. Maybe level 1 would have been good, just so I could use it at home etc...but going as far as I have I think may be a waste. Just started level 3 and I don't think I really needed to.
But as always, I get caught up in something new and get obsessive about it, and that's me.
I hope you enjoy (or enjoyed-I see the original post is from May!) your session....it is very relaxing.

04-12-09, 10:02
I love getting reiki distantly, but not as much face to face as it takes me at least 1/2 an hour to relax! I am a reiki master which is nice, though it has made me more sensitive to things which is the only down side (it is an upside too thought hehe). Though it is useful to have it, initially it should bring up some stuff to clear so it may get a tiny bit worse briefly, but it all depends on the person for sure. :)


04-12-09, 10:34

I am also a Master Reiki Practitioner, you may feel a bit out of sorts initially, but your body will tell you what it needs. So try and go with, for example, rest, drink etc. I do advise you, to drink plenty of water after to help flush the body through.

I will send you a private PM with my website on, so you can have a good read.

I do self healing on myself and it helps.

Other than that relax and enjoy!

05-12-09, 12:57
I had reiki 10 days ago and have had the bext 10 days in months.... It was the most relaxing experience and my practitioner was a really lovely lady with good advice. She gave me information on positive thinking and self hypnosis and I think that this has helped me immensely. I would really reccommend giving it a go... its not overly expensive so if it doesn't work for you then it's not a big deal but if it DOES work, it's a small price to pay!

I'm having my next session on 16th December and I cannot wait.. things can only get better!

05-12-09, 13:03
hi all Reiki Master here and yes reiki can help :)

Just to let you know..i qualified as "master" at the begining of this year,,,and my anxiety has been higher this year.....

Its true..reiki works on many levels...physical being one of them....your energies are "shaken up during a treatment...this is to allow any issues the chance to service....and be resolved/healed....

one thing though...remember....reiki doesnt heal ANYTHING......reiki allows your body the chance to heal itself....reiki puts your body in just the right "frame of mind" to start the healing process.....

....and yes....with healing,,,things do tend to get worse before they get better....

hope this helps....please drop me a line if i can be of any assistance at all....

Wolfy (Paul)