View Full Version : waking up trembling.. why?

12-05-09, 20:43
I know this is anxiety, but can someone explain why this happens?

12-05-09, 20:55
With me its after I fully come awake and my mind immediately remembers the health things I am worried about and I straight away feel nervous and trembly. I even find that I wake up and have to think what it is I am worrying about as there is always at least 2 physical things that are freaking me out:blush: . Guess its just caused by a rush of adrenalin.

12-05-09, 21:13
it happens for me before i have time to think about the way i feel. i wake up trembling. then i go back to bed sometimes, and sometimes not

12-05-09, 21:41
I have been trying to find the same answer myself. Check out some of my earlier posts. Its a vibrating sensation that usually feels more noticeable around my chest, but lately when I lie in bed, I can feel my whole body trembling inside. I think other people have described it as internal tremors.... mine is also evident at times when Im not even anxious. If you find any answers, let me know.

13-05-09, 00:06
I have been trying to find the same answer myself. Check out some of my earlier posts. Its a vibrating sensation that usually feels more noticeable around my chest, but lately when I lie in bed, I can feel my whole body trembling inside. I think other people have described it as internal tremors.... mine is also evident at times when Im not even anxious. If you find any answers, let me know.

yes, same with me but mine is in my head. I woke up yesterday with none and today I had it again :) It doesn't bug me much anymore, but today it made me not sleep long enough and i'm a bit tired from lack of sleep.

13-05-09, 00:08
ohh someone said it was adrenalen (sp?) lol.. being realized from the body, and somewhere else I read it was from not eating and your body needs sugar. but i mostly get it in the night or it wakes me in the morning.