View Full Version : Breathing!!!!!

13-05-09, 02:46
I'm having trouble breathing:weep:
I just got back from the ER cuz i thought i might be having a heart attack but they say no which is good but i don't think they looked into my breathing good enough cuz i'm still having the problem. They took an ekg, some kind of heart monitor, an xray, and blood test but couldn't find much of anything, oh except for a kidney infection:wacko: which i don't think could cause breathing problems so,,,,,,,, I've been googling:doh: I know its stupid but the dr couldn't figure it out so i hafta self diagnose i guess.

What else causes breathing problems??? I can't really find out many things that could cause it cept asthma (don't have it) heart attack (thank goodness i just got this ruled out) there's a question whether a severe hiatal hernial could be the problem which scares me:ohmy: All this was found while googling,,,i know i'm hopeless when it comes to google,,,i'm an adict.
But if someone else can help me out with a diagnosis i'll quit googling and i'll be VERY appreciative:hugs: I'm going for a follow up in a couple days (if i live till then) so maybe the gp will find something, i've never used her as a gp before so maybe she'll be good (i Hope):weep: i'm so sad, i thought the ER would make me feel better but it didn't:scared15:

13-05-09, 06:05
Allthose tests being clear point to Severe Anxity mate.

You would be amazed at what it does to the body and the symptoms it causes.

So rather than googling how about you try and treat the anxiety that's causing you to hyperventilate and focus on your breathing.

How long have you been this way? any other times where you were sure you had an illness?

Have you seen a psychiatrist or taken medication.

I'm now on meds but last year I was a google manic and let me tell you once I started to get better I relalised how google is a load of poopy and the answers that come up are so far fetched and worse case. it was not long after that my symptoms began to dissapear and I got healthy again.

I mean I thought I was dying from everything and I had the symptoms to go with it all, why didn't the Drs find anything????? I was always searching you know.

So think about what it causing the anxiety, forget the symptoms for now and try tp stop focusing on your breathing,.

Gotta google something then google anxiety symptoms.

13-05-09, 06:30

If you have a brown paper bag handy , hold that over your nose and mouth and breath into it until you calm down.

If not hold your closed hands over your nose and mouth and breathe into them until you calm down.

You will calm down, honestly.