View Full Version : Im confused on what to do?

13-05-09, 10:26
Hi there im 17 years old and suffer from social anxiety.
I was bullied quite alot in all my school years even though I was quite confident up untill my teenage years.
I never suffered from anxiety when I was younger though. I had my first attack when I was about 14/15 I was just watching TV when a strange feeling came over me, I felt really shaky, my head seemed to shake alot I couldnt keep eye contact with anyone and my words where all muddled up it was truly terrifying. And from then on I had to control it and the more I worried about having an anxiety attack infront of someone the worst it became, so you could say its abit like OCD. Its even worse now I have a boyfriend im constantly struggling to stop myself from having head shakes infront of him. Its worse when were in the car and we stop at traffic lights, my head begins to shake but I stop it and keep my hands busy or making an excuse to recline my seat. I really don't know what to do im living at home rent free I can't maintain a job interview, I dont have any GCSE's and I cant face going into college because of my head shakes! Ive tried beta blockers it just made me feel dizzy and wierd, ive had counceling but im to anxious to even get myself there, I hardley go to the doctors because im scared. And im always self contious because I sweat alot because of it.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thankyou in advance xxx

14-05-09, 22:10
Hi there im 17 years old and suffer from social anxiety.
I was bullied quite alot in all my school years even though I was quite confident up untill my teenage years.
I never suffered from anxiety when I was younger though. I had my first attack when I was about 14/15 I was just watching TV when a strange feeling came over me, I felt really shaky, my head seemed to shake alot I couldnt keep eye contact with anyone and my words where all muddled up it was truly terrifying. And from then on I had to control it and the more I worried about having an anxiety attack infront of someone the worst it became, so you could say its abit like OCD. Its even worse now I have a boyfriend im constantly struggling to stop myself from having head shakes infront of him. Its worse when were in the car and we stop at traffic lights, my head begins to shake but I stop it and keep my hands busy or making an excuse to recline my seat. I really don't know what to do im living at home rent free I can't maintain a job interview, I dont have any GCSE's and I cant face going into college because of my head shakes! Ive tried beta blockers it just made me feel dizzy and wierd, ive had counceling but im to anxious to even get myself there, I hardley go to the doctors because im scared. And im always self contious because I sweat alot because of it.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thankyou in advance xxx

You really should stick with the counselling, or get yourself booked in with a cognitive behavioural therapist. In the meantime, start working on your self-esteem. Exercise, get fit and in shape, eat clean, no stimulants, no coffee and avoid sugar. Do little things that make you happy and make you feel confident.

Remember also that even when your anxiety feels really bad - people don't see that. It's actually very rare for someone else to spot you feeling anxious unless they're tuned into it. People are too busy thinking about themselves. Take some relief in that :)

You're young and have a great life without anxiety ahead of you - you're going through something right now that you have to put behind you, so get out there and get on with it - off to that counsellor/therapist you go.. with enthusiasm.


26-06-09, 10:37
Hello Ayesha17

Im so sorry for you. Even im sufferring enormously. Just be confident that you can socialise even when your head is shaking. In fact you should ask for more. I know it is easy said than done. Just try it. At least you can try to hide the shake while i cant because i suffer from terrible mouth tic which is very very embarassing when talking to someone and due to this im avoiding to socialise even with my own family members. Can you imagine my situation. Unfortunately i couldnt find anybody giving me a solution to this....
So you just be brave. May god bless you.