View Full Version : sleepy

13-05-09, 11:33
is sleepy also a part of streess anxiety.??tiredness dizzy no motivation.

13-05-09, 12:05
alba. Im sure it can be. Others will tell you better that i can. just wanted stro send you my best wishes for coping with everything

13-05-09, 12:25
it definatly is a anxiety symptom, it just wears you out so much im the same got no motivation and always sleepy, and unfort the dizziness comes with it aswell hope you feel better soon

13-05-09, 15:09
how to ever get beter with this attack, i feel i am going crazy already, i want to run away i cna't take it, i can't stand. now shopng is so scary for me, i am scared of going places, and so scared i don't enjoy anything anymore. why