View Full Version : ANGER PROBLEMS

25-08-05, 14:55
Hi All,

I had some anger management that finished inFebruary & ive been ok since. Ive started getting increasingly angry now though-my friend picked up on it yesterday & when i thought about it-its true. My temper has been getting shorter & im getting sressed more easily.
Just thought i'd see if anyone else has any anger problems?

Love Red x

"Life's a journey, not a destination"

25-08-05, 15:56
Hi Red,

Reckon I supress any anger I have as it scares me - not terribly healthy I know!!!

Did they say this would happen on the course and what is the maintenance programme now the course has finished??

Love Piglet

25-08-05, 19:38
hi Red -
I have had problems with having fits of anger most of my adult life. Boy could I tell some stories but.... I won't (I come out looking pretty bad in all of them). Let's just say that I used to like to throw things... ALOT.
I have found ways to curb that through breathing, keeping a journal, and talking myself through the anger so my home and family are in one piece :)
If you need to talk - feel free to PM me.
your friend,
Sandy (eeyorelover)

08-09-05, 23:05
Hi Redbubble, dont worry, im a little miss angry too! Things like if im walking about, people who are so slow in front of me, i cant stand it, i feel like screaming at them to move, i cant stand slow people or people with no self awareness, they really irate me.[}:)]

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless

09-09-05, 08:51
I have never been told that I have an anger problem but I do have the worlds shortest fuse! I have no patients and can't stand it when I feel people arent listening. Also I like things to be done a certain way ie things have their set places and when cleaning you have to dust before you hoover, when your doing the dishes you wash your cups and glasses first ect, it's just ****** common sense but my man will never do it that way (I'm sure on purpose) so I will blow and go to town on him. He accuses me of being a bully![:I][Oops!] and bossy. I'm always being told to lighten up and get a grip - easier said than done if you ask me.

I have also been know in the past to throw the odd thing, my man always tells the story of the ashtray missing his head by a milimeter! lol.
Believe it or not though I am getting better with my anger cause when I feel myself getting out of control I leave the room and do something else. Now I just leave my man to do what he wants and then I'll just fix it behind him. At the end of the day I'm gonna need to do that in the end anyway so no use shouting and causing a scene.

Sorry I couldn't help but just thought I'd let you know I'm the same.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

09-09-05, 20:09
Hi Jammiebasket, Its true, you definetoy have to do the dusting before the vacuuming, otherwise dust will fall on to the floor.

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless

09-09-05, 20:19
see exactly what I said OCD girl it's just ****** common sense,lol:D

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

09-09-05, 20:43
Yes too right it is. Its not OCD, its not neurosis, its common sense!

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless