View Full Version : Panicking over symptoms :-(

13-05-09, 12:29
I have had a pressurised head for a few weeks now; it feels sore but not unbearable pain. I also feel disorientated and dizzy and I'm freaking out as to what it is. I thought that maybe it was a virus but the longer it goes on the less convinced I am.

I was on motillium tablets for indigestion for about 2 months but I noticed after being in a sauna that I was leaking milk from my breasts (yuck!) so as this is a side effect of the motillium I stopped them about 3 weeks ago. My breasts are really sore and lumpy and I am concerned that my symptoms are a result of the increased prolactin in my brain making my head hurt (caused by my tablets) Has anyone taken motillium and had these problems?

Just concerned about the pains in my head and neck and totally fed up of feeling ill.

Thanks for listening

13-05-09, 19:21
Has no one got any ideas? My eyesight is going funny now and I'm so scared I have a tumour or a brain anerysm. Please help.

13-05-09, 19:38
I seriously don't think it is anything related to a tumour but i would suggest you have your GP check it out incase you need that medication changed.

It could also be tension headaches but have it checked anyway,


13-05-09, 21:32
Try not to worry. If you read back over some of my recent posts you'll see I have been suffering with very similar symptoms. I was so sure I had a brain tumour I paid for an mri scan and it came back normal! I believe its just anxiety, although I have to tell myself this on a daily basis. I had the tension headaches first, then the dizziness and disorientation, plus the vision, blurry, tired, can't stand bright light. Focusing problems. I hope this helps to calm you a little. Do see your doc though just to make sure its not a complication of your meds.