View Full Version : Really worried again..

13-05-09, 12:31
I know people probably think I am being stupid, as I was going on about breast cancer last week, but I've got myself really worried again.
For the last few days, maybe about a week, I've had a mixture of diarrhoea/constipation. Today I noticed that in my stool there were lots of little bits, like white and dark bits, which on closer inspection seemed to look like seeds - yesterday I had a sandwich of wholegrain bread that contained seeds - so could it be these, because this is what it looks like?
Also, there are some small bright red bits aswell, so I am really worried, because I know that blood in stools is a serious sign, but last night I had a pasta with tomato sauce for my dinner, and I have also had about 3 cereal bars with dried strawberries in them between last night and this morning, so I was thinking maybe it could be that.
I have also made myself even more scared because I came across a video of a 17 year old girl who had bowel cancer, which is the age I am now, although I know that this is very, very rare.
What do you think?

13-05-09, 12:51
Hi there

Blood in stools is only a worry if the blood is dried. If it is fresh red blood then it is more than likely piles.

13-05-09, 13:19
i remember my daughter when she was littlem had betroot the night before ,we all thought it was blood but it wasnt ,and me worrying so much rushed her to the drs so yes certain foods can colour it for sure

13-05-09, 13:31
Today I noticed that in my stool there were lots of little bits, like white and dark bits, which on closer inspection seemed to look like seeds - yesterday I had a sandwich of wholegrain bread that contained seeds. Also, there are some small bright red bits aswell, but last night I had a pasta with tomato sauce for my dinner, and I have also had about 3 cereal bars with dried strawberries in them between last night and this morning, so I was thinking maybe it could be that.

Please, re-read what i have quoted and you've answered your worries yourself :)

13-05-09, 13:54
Sorry I don't understand, how do I read what you quoted?

13-05-09, 14:30
She posted your message - that is what was quoted.

13-05-09, 15:08
Oh ok thanks :)

13-05-09, 16:37
I get the "rainbow" colors depending on what I eat. Its most definitely the strawberry and tomato stuff. Sorry TMI but if I eat red peppers the same thing happens :blush: