View Full Version : Advice needed please - digestive system gone crazy

13-05-09, 15:20
Hi all,

For the past few weeks, my digestive system seems to have gone on strike!! Everything that I eat, seems to stay in my stomach producing large quantities of gas which is really uncomfortable!! I can't 'burp' it out and it's making me panic a lot because it all presses against my diaphragm which makes me feel as if I can't breathe.

Has anyone else had this problem cos i would really welcome some reassurance before I give up eating altogether.

Jane xx

13-05-09, 15:54
Bit of as personal question but are you constipated?

13-05-09, 15:58
Hi Janei

I don't know if you suffer from IBS but I just thought I would let you know I had a colonic irrigation yesterday and its the best thing ever!!

For any of those of you who suffer these symptoms its a great cleanse...sorry if tmi but can't stop raving about it!

Another option is movicol to help get things moving, with that you will go after each meal.

Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:


13-05-09, 16:11
If you eat a high fiber diet it will scrape the waste from inside your bowels and gut. Also, eat some natural live active culture yogurt to replace the bad bacteria with good and make sure your diet contains large quantities of foods containing vitamin b12. Vitamin B12 is found in animal meat and produce. Without it your body has insufficient limiting amino acids, grinding your digestion to a halt. If you are vegetarian, take a b12 supplement from your local health store and it will all go back to usual, if it is indeed IBS. x