25-08-05, 20:52
Hi All,:D

This is a word I have conjured up to help me cope when i have a panic attack I thought I would share it with you all.


This is what it stands for:

R - RECOGNITION- Realising the symptoms of the panic attack from the start.

A -ACCEPTANCE - I can't emphasize the importance of this enough. It is a panic attack that's all it won't harm you.

R - RELEASE- Let out all your tension go with the panic attack and ride it through.

R - RELAX - Take calm slow breaths (keep all those brown paper bags they come in handy!)

U – UNDERSTANDING - It's just a blip try not to beat yourself up over it.

C - CONQUER - You have made it though you have survived praise yourself and tell yourself you are a STRONG person for dealing with this.[Yes!]

By saying these things over in my head or reading it from a piece of paper. I find it helps with the negative thoughts feelings emotions of a panic attack. It focuses more on reassuring yourself that you will and can get through it.[Yeah!]:)

I appreciate it's not easy but at least you have tried and that's the main thing! Try to find comfort in that. [^]

Take care all ;)

Love & Wishes


25-08-05, 21:03
What a nice sounding word Pips ..

Thank you - shame had we known before we could have had on our bands RARRUC / JFDI


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-08-05, 21:06
Hey, I've heard of similar ways of gtting through an attack, but I really like the whole word thing! RARRUC...I like it! :) I always try to remind myself that it will pass and that I've gotten throught them before and it helps, but see, i have a really bad problem with nausea so I'm always afraid I'm gonna throw up all over somewhere or something. lol Gross, I know, but thats what makes it harder for me to remind myself that I will be fine.

I will try to remember these steps tho, thank you!

much love,


25-08-05, 21:28
hiya pips,

thats a great one! I know that recognising the symptoms as soon as possible is a great one as you can immediately say, ah i know this is a panic attack, therefore can almost rationalise it.

well done hun.. i'll use that in the future!! so PA monster - i'm ready for you! and if you come i'll RARRUC you!!


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

25-08-05, 21:45
Thanks Meg, Mary & Lisa for your kind words.

Meg - Yes that would have been good imagine if someone asked and you explained all that on the band! They wouldn't ask again! [:P]LOL

Sorry you get so sick Mary. Nausea is horrid hey hun.

LOL Lisa thats ace we will RARRUC him together huh![^]

Take care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

25-08-05, 21:52
Hi Pips,

Having suffered major PA last night i have written down your words and if the panic demon comes for me tonight...I'll be ready:(

Thanks again


25-08-05, 21:57
Pips thats great.

Its like a secret code word known only to us - I shall use it and look out for other users to identify themselves - like in the masons.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-08-05, 16:14
Thanks so much for your replies Maddie & Piglet.

Sorry to hear about your P/A Maddie. I hope you feel better now.

Cool Piglet love the secret code idea. Secret service has nothing on us huh!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

26-08-05, 17:36
Hi Pips,
How brilliant, and it bought back memories for me, i remember my mum and dad telling me that, when i was a toddler,(many moons ago) when i wanted music to be played i used to ask for rarruc!!!!

26-08-05, 18:23
Thanks Pips!! How right you are!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

26-08-05, 18:51
thanks pips im sure that will be a big help to people here,

it does help to see things written down great idea

kairen x

26-08-05, 20:15
Thanks for your lovely replies Carlin, Sarah and Kairen.
Glad it's of help to you. I think by writting things down it can help put it into perspective.

Take care.

Love PIP'S X X

Sue K with 5
26-08-05, 23:51
Thank you pips

Thats a great way of looking at it, I have written it down and will try to use it

sue with 5


27-08-05, 20:55
Thanks Sue,

Hope it helps hun,

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X