View Full Version : effexor worked for a month now anxiety is back? help tommy :)

13-05-09, 18:48
I am on effexor about 6 weeks now, its really been working very little anxiety, going out like every evening so so busy.

I was amazed at how it changed my life.

However on Sunday evening I started feeling anxious and have been anxious ever since.

I am on 75mg a baby dose, do you think its capped out and the doc needs to up me? Apartently 150 is the norm.

Now i feel like i dont want to do anything, feel slightly on edge and down. Also my jaw is rattling a bit the same as when i started this med.

I have to admit for the past week or more i as drinking 3 cans of red bull a day to combat the tiredness of the med , i stopped drinking redbull monday.

Any advise, im really confused why its back.

13-05-09, 19:14
Hi there.

I don't know about the meds you are on but high doses of caffine will really get your anxiety level going through the roof. I'm the same with coffee, I avoid caffine like the plague it pushes me over the edge. Red bull might be even worse.

13-05-09, 19:45

It could just be that your body has grown used to the meds alot quicker because of you being on such a low dose but remember that these medications don't stop anxiety, they just control it slightly better.

Talk to your gp about the dose you are on and ask his opinion on where to go from here.
