View Full Version : Eye floaters

13-05-09, 18:51
I have had eye floaters for a few days now and they seem to be getting worse and worse.

They are black and white and float around my eyes. I also get visual snow, especially when I look at a blank wall.
Please help. I'm scared I have a brain tumour.

I had my eyes tested about a month ago...and everything was fine except I got stronger glasses

13-05-09, 18:57
I have always been told that this is because of toxins built up in our bodies and we need to flush them out and clean our liver, by drinking lots of water and eating healthy.

I could be wrong, I don't think I know anything anymore and so I'm sorry if I am wrong, I'm not feeling well either : (

Take care x

13-05-09, 19:06
I used to study holistic therapy, reflexology, sports massage and acupuncture and this is what they said. Unless of course you've had any real problems with your eyes or have had eye surgery or injury in the past.

13-05-09, 21:15
I have these to, for about 2 years now. I have had eyes checked and everything, its normal. You are ok. A ton of people get these (especially those with anxiety). AFter awhile, you hardly notice them...but when you first get them, I felt like how can you ignore something you see all the time? Now I see them if I look for it and on days I am stressed, I notice them alot more.

13-05-09, 23:45
i have these intermittently, and only got my eyes checked 4 days ago and i had completely perfect eyesight! i think it's normal, for example i get it for a few minutes when i get up too quickly - not sure why. and even more so common with anxiety sufferes as lrforge says!

13-05-09, 23:47
Hi, I get floaters (heh, "floaters") all the time especially when tired. I'm blind in one eye and have always had annoying weird problems with my eyes. If you're getting bad floaters (heh, "floaters", that never stops being childishly amusing) then you should book yourself an eye test as soon as possible to get it checked out. Chances are there is nothing abnormal.

Floaters (am I the only one who grins when he hears that word?) are more likely to indicate a problem with your retina than a brain tumour.

Deepest Blue
13-05-09, 23:57
I have these too, I used to worry about them years ago but when I was told it's quite normal then I didn't worry about it so much and I hardly notice them now unless I am sitting at my desk at work bored to death looking at the ceiling and trying to play dot to dot with em lol

14-05-09, 09:58
I used to get these aswell - Doctor told me they were a typical symptom of anxiety

14-05-09, 10:08
hi there after reading baout anxiety ...god read so much as iam not well at all at moment ..but the blurring in the eyes and spots in front of them is said to be down to anxiety and it affecting the pupil in th eye ,to do with flight or fight process body is preparing for action and thus the eyes change to focus properly .it has stopped me being scared i get stars too lol xx

14-05-09, 12:54
I have also had a headache for a while...especially when I look at bright lights...is this stress or something worse? I did have my eyes tested a few weeks ago

14-05-09, 15:59
I have had eye floaters for a few days now and they seem to be getting worse and worse.

They are black and white and float around my eyes. I also get visual snow, especially when I look at a blank wall.
Please help. I'm scared I have a brain tumour.

I had my eyes tested about a month ago...and everything was fine except I got stronger glasses

Girl afraid 23,

Hello dear

The floater thing is really really really common. Apprently we all have them its just that anxiety sufferers see them because there eyes are in fight or flight mode which switches off distance vision to allow you 'fight' close up danger.

My psychologist told me that. He gets them too and when we spoke about it he laughed because he said that he hasd just been trying to follow one, but you cant cos they always disapear!! Try following them instead of worrying about them cos there ok and so are you:hugs:


11-08-09, 15:12
I can so sympathise with this!! I have loads of swirling dark strands and a few small stars too...looks like glitter! It's been freaking me out for months. My Doctor says it is very common and nothing to worry about but told me to get an eye test if I was worried. Haven't seen the optician yet but will go this week and get it checked I think. I hate it, it's really stressing me out :(
