View Full Version : Off balance and really scared!

13-05-09, 19:23
Oh Help! I have had this horrible off balance feeling on and off for a few weeks. Today it has gone on all day. I don't know what to do. It's awful. I have mentioned it to doctor as I had operations on my ear years ago and have a titanium implant in one ear. She said I might have fluid behind the eardrum and gaave me nasal spray in case there was a blockage in my eustachian tube. I tried it but thought I was even worse when taking it. I also get pain running down my neck from the bottom of my ear. I have an appointment again tomorrow. I just don't know if it's my anxiety or if there is something wrong in my ear. I could cry, this feeling is so horrible. Has anyone had anything similar. Can you give me a bit of reassurance? :weep: :weep:

13-05-09, 20:47
Hey Judy, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Feeling dizzy and off-balance is a pretty difficult symptom to manage, I can understand your fear and worry! I have had dizziness for the last 4 years and a feeling of drunkness since this past January so I can kind of understand. I'm not 100% sure that mine is anxiety related, but things seem to be pointing that way for me.

It could very well be that your anxiety is causing or at least contributing to your symptoms. I imagine it could be related to your ear implant, but I would guess (although I'm no doc) that this would cause you more spinning vertigo than the feeling of being off-balanced.

Your neck pain could point to an anxiety related cause as well. I have just started getting trigger point therapy to try to relax some of my very tight muscles. The therapist has been working on my neck a lot and I have been very surprised to find that there are a few really sore (and tight) muscles that run up my neck and attach near my ear. It could just be that anxiety or some other tension is causing muscle tightess, in both of our necks and contributing to our off-balanced symptoms.

Regardless of what it is there's no sense in worrying about it or fearing it. A bit of relaxation and some gentle massage could help a bit over time. Again, I'm just going by experience here. Anxiety could very well be the culprit. I hope it goes away soon! Take care Judy! :hugs:


13-05-09, 20:59
Thanks for the reply Zeb.
I have managed to calm down a bit. After I posted that thread I also got the feeling that my head was going to explode, a real feeling of pressure. I guess that is definately anxiety. Oh the joys of all these symtoms! As I said in a thread somewhere before, I think I have experienced all the symptoms anxiety can throw at me, then along comes something new to frighten me half to death again!!
Thank you again for your advice.:hugs:

13-05-09, 21:18
As I said in a thread somewhere before, I think I have experienced all the symptoms anxiety can throw at me, then along comes something new to frighten me half to death again!!
Thank you again for your advice.:hugs:

I completely understand what you mean there. I feel the same way! It certainly makes life feel more like an epic struggle! Haha. Hmmm...I need to watch Lord of the Rings again...:lac:

Anywho, you're welcome, always glad to help!