View Full Version : So glad to be back home at last!

13-05-09, 19:32
Hi Everyone

Just a quickie...Got out of hospital today. I feel like I have been hit by a bus, but am soooo glad the op is behind me.
They managed to do it with keyhole surgery (VATS- they call it) but it took 3 1/2 hours.
They removed the top right hand lobe from my lung, but could not get a frozen section first, so removed the lymph nodes as well. Turns out I had a pericardial cyst too, which he removed but says is insignificant. Apparently congenital?
I have no results yet...about 10 days, but have had to come home with a gross drain coming out of my back as I still have an air leak from my lung. I'm really dissapointed about this but the alternative was staying in hospital.

I must admit, I got really upset leaving the hospital with this awful bag flapping about and so difficult to cover up.
I have decided though, to stitch a funky denim bag for it, wear some long skirts and some flowy scarves and go 'bohemian' until I can have it out! Hopefully next week...but no guarantees.

Oh....anyone have any good remedies for hospital-food constipation?

Love Pegs XX

13-05-09, 19:37
Glad you're home safe; I have thought about you often over the last week.
Take it easy and I'm sure bohemian is the way forward!

13-05-09, 19:53
Aww Peggy good to see you are out and will now be on the mend hopefully.

I can understand about the bag as I only just got rid of the one attached to my abdomen 3 weeks ago that was draining pus from abcesses. I managed to hide it if I wore loose trousers or skirts.

It is there for a reason and it won't be long before you get rid of it.

Funny you mention the hospital food cos I quite liked it but a few other patients I saw over the time I was in had to have some help going to the loo !!

Hope that clears up soon as well.

Thanks for the update and take care ok?

13-05-09, 20:29
Hello Pegs i'm so pleased you are home, i have been thinking of you:)

Sending you lots of healing hugs:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Love Trish xx

13-05-09, 21:09
Hi Pegs - Welcome home! It is so good to have you back and with your wonderful spirit intact! Big, big hugs to you.
Lots of love,
P.S Prune juice? Works wonders for my three year old!!

13-05-09, 21:17
hi Pegs

It is great news that the operation went well and you are home on schedule. I thought about you a lot, well all of us here on NMP did. It is also great that they did the whole thing through keyhole.
When will you have the drain out? Is it uncomfortable?
I hope you'll feel great soon and fingers crossed for the results - but whatever it was, it is out now! :hugs:


14-05-09, 00:55
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome back!!

14-05-09, 02:27
Glad the operations went well and welcome back xxxxxxxx

14-05-09, 09:54
good to see you back and glad your okish


14-05-09, 11:14
Glad the op went ok

love mandie x

Vanilla Sky
14-05-09, 11:18
Welcome back, i wish you a speedy recovery Senna is a good one for constipation but maybe now your home you'll be able to go better Get Well Soon Love Paige x

14-05-09, 11:35
Hi Pegs!
I am glad you are now back at home. I often wondered over the past week how you are doing, as a lot of the others have on the site too. We sent you some Virtual Hugs posts - not sure if you have read them yet?
I hope that the next 10 days until your results go quickly for you and that everything will be fine. :yesyes:
Get plenty of rest. I hope you are feeling less uncomfortable soon.:flowers:

14-05-09, 12:09
So glad you have had the op and its behind you now i hope the results are good,as I am sure they will be,and you can be thankful you had it done. I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago by keyhole surgery,after months of pain(years actually,but i didnt know what was causing all the pain in my guts till I was diagnosed with multiple gallstones)
I was dreading the operation,as most folk do,but I must say,apart from the wound in my navel opening up and having to have a paper stitch put in at my Gp.s,I have made a good recovery,and my digestive system seems to be back to what it was years ago.I wish you all the best for your results. I am sure,after reading what they said about the size etc,that all will be fine.
Best wishes and healing thoughts for you,

15-05-09, 12:51
Hi Everyone

Thank you all so much for your messages! And also for the Virtual Hugs. What a lovely suprise!

I must admit, I am feeling totally knackered and in quite a lot of pain still. Needless to say, I hope desparately that this bag will be removed on Wednesday....

Still no results......but that could take up to two weeks.
The main thing is, IT'S OUT!

Please all have a relaxed and lovely weekend.

Love Pegs XX