View Full Version : HA bad again. Pain in lower left abdomen.

13-05-09, 22:21
Why does this happen? I was fine for ages. No symptoms of anything.

I have a dull ache in my lower left abdomen. It was there for a while, then went away for a while. Now it's back, and has been for about two weeks. It is getting worse. I can't seem to put pressure on the exact site of the pain - I have been pressing around - it seems to be either too far back or underneath my pubic bone. Additionally I have lower back pain in that area, hence the HA setting off alarm bells about ovarian/bowel cancer. I don't know if I am particularly bloated because I am a size 14 anyway, and I think I am ordinarily quite a bloaty person...I have Crohn's disease but have never had this sort of pain before, and I have been Crohns symptoms free for three years.

Additionally, my head is bad again. They diagnosed me with Labyrinthitis in October, which went away after a while, came back with a vengeance, then went away again. Since the pain in my abdomen has come back, my head is back too. I can't really explain how my head feels...sort of fuzzy, not exactly lightheaded but not "all there", and slight little twinges of a blurry feeling. Eyes are fine. Ears feel a bit full. Feeling appears to be biggest in the back of my head at the top of my neck, and feels almost like it's in the top of my throat (sounds ridiculous. I can't explain).

I had a full blood count about a month and a half ago and it was fine.

I want to go and see the doctor about the abdomen pain but he's going to think I am a total hypochondriac after seeing him three times about the labyrinthitis. I am still not convinced that they've done enough tests for the labyrinthitis anyway.

The thing is, I am only bad with HA when I actually have symptoms. When the symptoms don't exist, I am fine. My head feels so bad that I have no convinced I have:
- Ovarian cancer that has spread to brain
- Bowel cancer that has spread to brain
- Cervical cancer that has spread to brain.

I keep thinking that there can be no possible other reason for these symptoms and that finally this is The One that will finish me off. I just want these symptoms to go away.

I will make an appointment with the doctor re. the abdomen pain, but anyone had this before and it turned out to be something harmless like a cyst or something?


14-05-09, 19:38
Hi there

I wondered how you were doing.

Are you sure it isn't a Crohn's flare-up again? My pain was in lower left and it was the abcesses on the bowel causing it.

Have you had any blood tests done recently and specifically your CRP?

Back pain can also be kidneys I think as well.

16-05-09, 20:06
Sorry, haven't had internet for a couple of days.

Had a Full Blood Count done about 2 months ago...that's it...

It's an aching, nagging dull pain in lower left, which has snaked around to back. Bowel movements are normal.

It's blatently something Crohn's related, isn't it? Bloody hope so. I'm such an idiot; all I can think is ovarian cancer.
