View Full Version : HA and Employment

14-05-09, 14:09
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to deal with HA in the work place. I have had time off work due to my problems, which has been tough however I have alot of trouble with my boss at work over my anxiety, she has pretty much shut down on the subject and wont even talk to me about it. Her words were 'i'm not your agony aunt' !!! To be honest i feel alone and isolated there with no one to relate to. I have been in employment part time doing 17.5 hours per week for 3 years, this is contracted.

I have spoken to wellbeing at work and nothing has been done, no help no support nothing!!! This just makes me feel that nothing has changed with regards to how employers deal with anxiety issues. Im at a loss, if i leave i'll have to go back onto incapacity benefit again which i don't want to do.

Has anyone else been in the same situation? :shrug:

14-05-09, 14:17
Hi Hollytree

I am sorry to hear that you are having problems at work. It sounds like you have worked hard to get back to work and it is a shame that you are finding it difficult.

What support do you want from your boss? Is it that you feel you need someone to talk to or that she needs to be more understanding. Employers have a duty of care so you should talk to someone about it.

It is very difficult for people who do not have HA to understand. I have severe HA and my partner has anxiety but he really doesn't understand my HA.

You may have to get your support from outside the workplace. Have you tried CBT or Counselling?

14-05-09, 14:22
I am sorry you are going through what you are. Personally I would take this matter to the head office. You have a right to be dealt with professionally and respectfully by your employer. Dont leave your job and go onto benefits because of how they are not doing their job correctly and how they are making you feel!
Go back to Wellbeing at work and tell them you dont feel you are getting the support you require and that you are considering taking the matter higher to head office.
You hopefully will get a lot of good advice off the others on the site but please also try calling MIND or Citizens Advice for some help regarding this situation. They will be able to help you.
You should not be made to feel that you have to leave your job because of your useless employers attitude. I am sure they are probably acting unlawfully too. I was reading earlier about how many days are being lost at work at the moment due to employees anxiety and depression problems...employers have to deal professionally with their employees and being told by your employer that 'She is not your agony aunt' is terrible!!! Thankfully she isnt - who would need an agony aunt like her! Lets hope she gets anxiety at some point and then she will find out how debilitating it is!
I am sorry for you - this type of thing really annoys me. Whatever you do, dont leave your job, even if you do later on, then for now stick with it and find out your rights and take action.
Let us know how you get on.

14-05-09, 14:30
If you are in CBT or counseling...you can have your therapist write you something so people will be forced to understand at work. I know this might sound bad because some people don't want anyone at work to know, but I have done it because I was so ill and people at work just kept dumping stuff on me even though I said that I needed some time and that I was going to be working as I was feeling well. It eventually took that for people to realize what was going on and to chill out.

I am sorry your boss is not helpful. That is not good, and I am sure it makes you feel like you can't talk to anyone. I would talk to the Wellbeing people at work and if they are not supportive, maybe you should go outside work and consult another group that is similar.

Its so amazing to me how companies advertise wellbeing and work/life balance programs and yet when you go to use them, they either are not very good, or they don't provide the level of support most people really need. :weep: Its like they only offer it so they look like they care, and meanwhile people are dropping like flies from stress and poor home life because of their jobs (Sorry this is a pet peeve for me).