View Full Version : Insomnia without obvious worry

14-05-09, 14:20
For the last couple of weeks I have been having a very hard time falling asleep. I am not laying in bed worrying, in fact my anxiety has been relatively tame lately. I simply can't fall asleep. I wake up exhausted and feel tired most of the day but when bedtime comes I lay there wide awake. Anyone else have this? I made the mistake of googling insomnia and now I am getting worried.


14-05-09, 14:51
I read your post and felt like I was reading about myself.

I have a lot of trouble sleeping even when I want to pass out when I get in bed. I wake up a lot during the night...or I feel awake because I can hear things...but I am asleep.

Are you under a lot of stress lately?

14-05-09, 14:58
I am under a lot of stress but the funny thing is I don't lie in bed and worry, I just lie in bed. This is impacting other parts of my life too and I am starting to get worried.

14-05-09, 15:08
I am under a lot of stress but the funny thing is I don't lie in bed and worry, I just lie in bed. This is impacting other parts of my life too and I am starting to get worried.

Do you feel like you can't get your mind to relax and go to bed? This is what happens when I lay down. Then I just lay there, totally exhausted but unable to just go to sleep.

Also, a lot of times I don't realize how much I am stressed...because of my on and off anxiety issues.

Have you tried some sleep aids or anything?

14-05-09, 15:12
I have not tried any sleep aids and I am not on any medication for anxiety. I am worried about addiction since it runs in my family. I just want a good nights sleep. I just so many physical symptoms that I can't function some times.

14-05-09, 15:22
What about tea or rescue remedy? I don't like taking medication either, I don't want to get hooked on sleep aids, but I do take them when I haven't slept in a few days.

Do you get out and exercise? I didn't do this for awhile, and now I make myself go for a walk at least once a day...makes a difference for me.

14-05-09, 16:13
What kind of tea and what is rescue remedy? I do run a lot so I don't think exercise is a problem. Thanks for all the respones BTW.

14-05-09, 16:39
The teas I drink are tummy mint and sleepytime. Chamomile tea also helps. The ones I buy are from Celestial Seasonings.

Bach Rescue Remedy...I think its called rescue sleep in the US. Its made of a bunch of different flowers and its an all natural remedy for anxiety. There are a bunch of different ones.

14-05-09, 17:03
I will give them a try and keep you posted.

17-05-09, 04:02
I do the same exact thing. I think it is hormones for me anyway. Everything I have read is suggesting a progesterone deficiency so I am going to try a natural supplement. I also just weaned my child and read that can cause insomnia too. I had the same problem in 2002 after I miscarried.
Where do you find the rescue sleep aid at?

17-05-09, 15:43
FYI in the US they have all of the bach products and many more at Whole Foods - check it out. or of course if you don't have one nearby you can get them online. i also buy the lavender oils and 'mellow mix' essential oils to rub on my temples for headaches and to help me sleep. sometimes it doesn't matter if you are thinking and can't fall asleep or just laying there. stress and anxiety work beneath the service to keep your brain from slowing down the way it would just before REM sleep .. sometimes a low dose sleep aide on a short term basis monitored by your doc can really help if the natural methods simply don't work.

also don't try so hard to fall asleep. if you can't.. get up and take a bath which lowers your body temp (in turn helping you fall asleep) or do something kind of mellow like reading or watching something non-stimulating. and let yourself get doze-y instead of focussing on TRYING to sleep. that never works.

i have managed to deal without, but every person in my family (6 of us) including my brothers - has had to turn to sleep aides. like i said, low dose and monitored by your doc can really be OK. my brother has issues with drugs and alcohol that he's gotten over but his doc still lets him take ambien at night and monitors his dosage and reaction. sometimes people just cannot manage otherwise and shouldn't feel bad about it - but every alternative should be tried first, IMO. also google dr. sharon sleep aide!!

17-05-09, 18:32
I tried OTC sleeping aids in 02 when I had my first round of not sleeping. They made me feel worse the next day then if I laid there all night awake.