View Full Version : Physical and sexual symptoms without feeling anxious, maybe repressed?

14-05-09, 14:29
I am a long time sufferer of anxiety but I am currently not having too bad of time with it. The strange thing is I appear to be having new symptoms like insomnia and sexual problems. I don’t lay awake in bed worrying, I just lay there wide awake even though I have been exhausted all day. This has never happened before. Also, I have been having some sexual dysfunction. Lastly, my skin is breaking out like mad. These too are not symptoms I have had in the past. Like I said, I am not totally freaking out about this and I am not sure why. Could it be that I have so repressed my anxiety that it is causing these problems without my usual conscience anxiety? Could this be some other thing?

14-05-09, 15:46
I am a long time sufferer of anxiety but I am currently not having too bad of time with it. The strange thing is I appear to be having new symptoms like insomnia and sexual problems. I don’t lay awake in bed worrying, I just lay there wide awake even though I have been exhausted all day. This has never happened before. Also, I have been having some sexual dysfunction. Lastly, my skin is breaking out like mad. These too are not symptoms I have had in the past. Like I said, I am not totally freaking out about this and I am not sure why. Could it be that I have so repressed my anxiety that it is causing these problems without my usual conscience anxiety? Could this be some other thing?

Hi there

It sounds really like all your anxiety is taking a toll on you. I know for me that there are different symptoms popping up all the time and each time i notice or fixate on one i forget another and then i notice another thing and so on. And each timeim so sure i didnthave that particular symptom before.

The main freaky thing about anxiety thats last for ages in the background, like HA, ive noticed is that the symptoms dont goaway just cos you feel better for a little while. Its like knowing your symptoms are anxiety based doesnt make them stop right away. So dont make the mistake of saying toyourself, okay this is just anxiety so i feel better about it all but why are my symptoms still there? Thats just the way it all works. Some one used a great analogy on here before about anxiety being like a water barrell athat fills up overtime. People who arent anxious continually empty their barrell so it never overflows but when you suffer unknowingly from anxiety and dont empty your barrall, it overfills and causes symptoms that can take ages to get rid off. And worrying about them is just filling the barrell further!! They also gave the example of getting overweight. Just realising that you need to diet doesnt suddenly make you thin, it takes awhile of altering your eating habits to lose the extra weight.... anxiety works the same way.

Sorry that so long winded and I hope it makes sense to you, i cant remember who used the barrell thing so i cant direct you to it. maybe someone else who reads this might be able to. It really helped me to understand my wier dand wonderfull newly emerging symptoms!!


14-05-09, 16:22
So as someone who is able to be more rational than I am right now, you think these are just latent anxiety problems? Thanks

14-05-09, 16:42
So as someone who is able to be more rational than I am right now, you think these are just latent anxiety problems? Thanks

I am flattered by your rational statement hee hee

I think that it sounds really likely that if you suffer from chronic anxiety that you will have symptoms that appear when you are not actually aware of being anxious. I seem to notice these symptoms after periods of anxiety have calmed down a bit.

Breaking out sounds very stress linked and sexual dysfunction too. My psychologist always says go for the simplest explanation for things. Im no dr so what i think is only an opinion. I know personally when i worry about stuff i just want to hear that everything is okay and when i feel like that i cant deal with doubt or uncertainty and at those times i hate to hear " check with the dr" but I guess thats the first port of call if you feel you should. Apparently the thing with this HA is not knowing when something is a problem and when it isnt and until that part of us is'fixed' dr might make you feel better.

But yes i do think its latent stress from what you have said


14-05-09, 17:04
Seeing my Dr isn't really an option b/c he is just going to tell me to take meds. Thanks for the "rational" advice and I will try to empty my barrell.

14-05-09, 17:59
If thats the only option he gives you...maybe you should either discuss that with him or look for another Dr?